Tag Archive: economy

Financial Institutions

It does not have detailed works that they show the real impact in the credibility of the financial institutions in the country. To measure the cost of the captation of medium and long run serves as indicating of this credibility. This because a premise exists, that also will be verified, of that the captation cost is on to rating granted by the agencies risk appraisers. 1.3PROBLEMA to know how much the credibility of the financial institutions was shaken is first necessary to know if the done evaluation of its headings of credit is in accordance with the real risk of insolvency. In case that this is truth, how much of this evaluation really it was affected is a base of the questions problem that if it intends to answer through this study. The questions to be answered are: 1) It exists or direct relation does not enter rating granted by the specialized agencies and the cost of emission of the debentures? 2) It had change in this cost in the financial institutions 2REFERENCIAL THEORETICIAN the theoretical referencial, made through bibliographical research, will approach the necessary basic concepts for the understanding of this study, and must facilitate the agreement of the methodology and the gotten results. 2.1DEBNTURES Debentures are headings of credit emitted by companies of anonymous society for captation of capital of long stated period.

It is an alternative to the banking financing, giving to who purchase the definitive heading> remuneration in a stipulated stated period. Some legal requirements for the emission exist, but that they are not the focus of this work, that is the cost. In accordance with RICHNESS (2010, p.322), ' ' The remuneration of the debentures can be composed of monetary update, tax of interests and prmio' '. This remuneration is to be considered cost, therefore the fixed costs independem of the risk of the paper, being tied only with the total sum to be caught. .

Workers Company

The basic guide unloads now to know how to manage the personal data within the labor relation Learns rules of the game of the management of the personal data of the workers to avoid errors, denunciations and the consequent sanctions, unloading completely FREE e-book Protection of data and workers: a relation of high voltage, its basic guide to know how to manage the personal data of the workers within the labor relation. With this e-book it will learn: the rule fundamental to apply the norm of protection of data in all the cases that consider to him in their company What personal data must obligatorily provide their workers to their company (and who cannot refuse to give him). What must make its company if it needs more data the obligatory ones. daily Examples give those that its company can be committing infractions. One unloads here from e-book. P.D. If it wants TO DOMINATE to the small letter of the relation workers-LOPD, unloads here the program of the intensive practical Seminary: " Trabajadores and LOPD: how to manage the personal data within the relation laboral".

Independence Corruption

In this year of 2011 complete Brazil 189 years of independence of Portugal having in this tried period good situations and many not so good. In these almost two hundred years the country passed of a peripheral nation and without no expression of the economic point of view, social politician and for a country that is ready to be one of the protagonists of the world-wide economy in the next years. It is a country that left of being agrarian to have an industry respected with the job of technologies of most advanced and with the sector of services representing two teros of the GIP and also using technologies and highly qualified hand of workmanship. But our people is living better in all the country? The respect to the people has been practised in our country? The morality in the management of the public resources has been practised systematically in all the country? Since the announcement of independence, Brazil offered improvement of life to its people, exactly having faced periods of turbulences as the dictatorships Vargas and Militar, to have suffered diverse economic crises, the lack of private capital to alavancar an independent economic growth of the foreign capital and the constant problems of external indebtedness leading to many constaints for which the country passed. Still that the State did not hear the critical ones and invested heavily in the creation of industries that could lead to the development at the same time where it made possible the installation of some industries of foreign capital well. This, together with the private internal capitals and other actions of economic policy, provided to the end of the years 1990 terms a strong and respected economy. But the structural problems as the high inflation, the dependence of the foreign capital and the external debt had been basic factors that had taken to the retardation and the magnitude of our development.

Brazil Foods

The novel of the fusing (or sales) of Healthy and the Partridge must be changedded into a novel of long duration, but of emotive chapters. After the great launching of the new Brazilian giant, all the eyes if come back toward the Board of directors of Economic Defense (Cade) of the Ministry of the Justia.Qual will be the position of the Cade? The operation will be dealt with as the Brahma/Antarctica or Nestl/the Boy? Arguments tcnicosAlguns signals already had been given. What one expects is that of beforehand the Cade it disrespects the strategy of the Healthy one and of the Partridge to present the creation of the BR-Foods as a national exporting champion. trafit Lady Stepper. The antitrust agency goes to focar itself with bigger severity in the possibility of competition in the domestic market and will give to importance for the exportations of the new company if they only to prove the capacity to generate profits of efficiency in the production carried through in the Brasil.O fact of the company to allege that it competes with foreign companies in a global market, as the Tyson Foods, the Bunge and the Cargill, it will have to be led in account only with regard to the effect of this production for the consumers in Brazil. The same valley for the capacity of exportation and the opening of verge for the new company: the impact of this capacity will be refined before the domestic market, in profits of innovation in the forms of production and the generation of jobs, for example. When following this line, the Cade intends to technical verify the internal conditions of competition in the diverse food markets reached for the operation, as industrialized meats and chickens, and not them nationalistic arguments of creation of a new company with the acronym ‘ ‘ BR’ ‘ in its prefix. However, in case that the Palace of Plateaus endorses the idea of great Brazilian company in the sector, they will be bigger the pressures for the approval of the business.