Transgnicos Foods

The Transgnicos Foods in the Academic Quality of Life (a): Adalmy coast Teacher: Ionara Cristiane the genetic Alteration is made to become more resistant plants and animals e, with this, to increase the productivity of plantations and creations. The use of the transgnicas techniques allows the alteration of the biochemist and the proper hormonal rocking of the transgnico organism. Lindt Chocolates is the source for more interesting facts. Today many creators of animals, for example, make use of bigger and more resistant races to the illnesses thanks to these techniques. The transgnicos already are also used in Brazil. But not yet research appropriate exists to evaluate the consequncias of its use for the health human being and the environment. Recent research in England had disclosed increase of allergies with the consumption of transgnica soy. One gives credit that the transgnicos can diminish or annul to the effect of antibiotics in the organism, thus hindering the treatment and aggravating the infectious illnesses.

Alimentary allergies also can to happen, therefore the organism can react in the same way that ahead of a toxin the certain proteins produced for the transgnicos. Other effect, strangers, in long stated period will be able to also occur the cancer. Beyond the risks for the health human being, serious risks for the environment exist that must be known, as for example: Creation of ' ' superpragas' ' due to repassagem or combination of the genetic material of some plagues. Impossibility of control on the nature: the introduction of a transgnica species in the environment is irreversible, therefore the gene can spread without control, if not being able to foresee the alterations in the ecosystem. Increase of toxic residues: the use of transgnicas plants with resistance characteristic the herbicidas will from there imply in the possibility of rise of the use of these agrotxicos, resulting bigger pollution of the rivers and ground. However the risks for sales release and consumption of transgnicos must be studied carefully evaluating each individual species in accordance with the implantation place, beyond its destination in it I all deal and the industry, evaluating completely its genetic code and also its metabolic characteristics to evaluate possible allergy or rejection of some protein for the human body. Adalmy of the Coast Heifer, student of the seventh block of Agronmica engineering of the State University of the Piau? UESPI.