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  • With The American Dream In The United States

    The American dream Lottery participate in the green card and win who wants to immigrate into the United States needs a green card, because it gives the unrestricted right of residence their owner and also is a work permit. There are many possibilities in the possession of this green card to come. So you can invest in the United States, for example, or you must have relatives there or marry an American. Also a permanent position in the United States helps to the possession of a green card, however, it must be proved that the job had cannot be filled with an American. Generally considered a green card to the immigration authorities of the United States must be applied for, an operation that is proving very difficult and especially tedious. Another, a green card to get much faster and above all chance richer way, is the annual Green Card Lottery, in which 50 000 copies of the coveted green card will be drawn in a random.

    In recent years the terms and conditions and the procedures were greatly tightened, it is now partially difficult to cope in the registration forms will find and often an uncertainty remains whether everything has so his accuracy as to who filled it out. Access emigration agree at this point under the arms, the first and only nationally recognized immigration counselling for the United States, the American dream, his US Visa offers services. The American dream offers assistance with the application, support in case of winning is its customers also later still like to advise to the page and can also still wondering in many others offer assistance. The competent and international service team shall examine each application individually and comprehensively and is the customers of the American dream of 365 days in the year advice available.