Tag: management

  • Workers Company

    The basic guide unloads now to know how to manage the personal data within the labor relation Learns rules of the game of the management of the personal data of the workers to avoid errors, denunciations and the consequent sanctions, unloading completely FREE e-book Protection of data and workers: a relation of high voltage, its basic guide to know how to manage the personal data of the workers within the labor relation. With this e-book it will learn: the rule fundamental to apply the norm of protection of data in all the cases that consider to him in their company What personal data must obligatorily provide their workers to their company (and who cannot refuse to give him). What must make its company if it needs more data the obligatory ones. daily Examples give those that its company can be committing infractions. One unloads here from e-book. P.D. If it wants TO DOMINATE to the small letter of the relation workers-LOPD, unloads here the program of the intensive practical Seminary: " Trabajadores and LOPD: how to manage the personal data within the relation laboral".