Tag: investigation

  • Inner Labyrinth

    The biography of Emily Dickinson (Amhers, the New England, 1830-1886) is full of silencios peculiarities and. On his life Jorge wrote Luis Borges: does not have, that I know, one more a life more enthusiastic and solitary than the one of this woman. It preferred to dream the love and to imagine it and perhaps to fear it. In his shut in village of Amhers it looked for the imprisonment of its house and, in its house, the imprisonment of the white color and the one of not letting itself see by the few friendly that received. In those years of voluntary confinement, election that took very young, constructed one of the most solid works of universal Literature.

    She was intelligent, rebellious and cultured, like his own poetry. While still alive Emily published six poems. All almost appeared in local newspapers on the initiative of their sister-in-law and against her will. After their death 1775 poetries were shortages, the majority written between 1858 and 1865, that the critic and the readers like one of the great poets for all time revealed before. Four years after his death, in 1890, it was published a first volume with part of its work. Nowadays the publications of their complete works in hundreds of languages are innumerable. In addition also an abundant and interesting correspondence exists that maintained with personages such as Emerson and Samuel Bowles. to particularly they move the letters me that interchanged with their premiums, the Norcross brothers, because in you are the daily life becomes purest of poetries: I abro my window, and the full room of white dirt. I believe that God must be cleaning the dust; and the wind blows, so I hope to read in The Republican Signals of alert for Amhers or Ningun boat has weighed anchor of Phoenix Row the life is so rotatory that the desert touches each unoa sometimes to him.