Tag: internet & multimedia

  • Heidelberg Commerce

    heidelpay interface makes the new shop software VEYTON 4 available Heidelberg, January 19, 2010. The Internet payment service provider heidelpay (www.heidelpay.de) offers its service modules now also with an interface to the shop system, xt: Commerce VEYTON 4. The shop system, xt: Commerce 3 and xt: Commerce VEYTON 4 are eCommerce solutions of the xt: Commerce GmbH. The standard solution for Web shops xt: Commerce 3 among the world’s leading shopping cart software solutions with more than 100,000 installations. With the experience gained in the shop systems with version 3 is xt: Commerce xt the all-new shop software solution: Commerce VEYTON 4 developed. The new shopping cart software can be expanded at any time without changes to the code and maintains updatable hence many installed extensions at any time. They are characterized, inter alia through an easy to use admin interface and a powerful search engine optimization.

    heidelpay makes his services now available for users of xt: Commerce VEYTON 4 available. The interface allows the simple integration of heidelpay Payment services in the shop system. The first modules of VEYTON 4 heidelpay interface are already successfully and with very good response in the usage. Online-shop operators who register before February 15, 2010 at the Heidelberger Payment GmbH, received the complete integration at a preferential price. Your contact person: Heiko Bolte, Tel.: + 49 (0) 421 8413 9871, E-mail:. heidelpay CEO Mirko cover man: we work for years successfully with xt: Commerce as one of the leading providers for shop systems together. \”It is only logical, our payment services now available for users of the new software xt: Commerce VEYTON 4 to offer.\” heidelpay paying via the Internet handles currently for more than 1,500 E-commerce companies across Europe. Thereby, the company acts as a solution provider that offers everything from a single source, which is a clean efficient and comprehensive online payment.

  • Lars Mardfeldt

    You must not long torment themselves through music videos, you can not suffer.” Drummer Aaron added: I like the individuality of the transmitter. He is simply great!”with the launch of the rock channel we demonstrate the complexity of our music editors. Incentive and confirmation that is a legend like Bela B for the rock channel Godfather, for our editorial offices at the same time”, so Oliver Koch, one of the two founders of the music channel. For the first time we have won an award-winning international band launch support talent with Billy”, adds his partner Tobias Frohlich. The QTom concept finds enthusiastic supporters not only in the national music scene, but attracted attention even in international circles.” Since the introduction of the genre worlds, QTom artists give the Jack in your hand: end of October presented the newly launched pop channel die Fantastischen Vier an enthusiastic music community and led with an exclusive material through 20 years of band history. On November 12, the founding fathers of the German hip hop Kool Savas, the Stieber twins, Cora E. and Olli banjo were Pate at the introduction of hip hop & r’n ‘ B channel. Now come too Rock fans their money’s worth.

    QTom offers the viewer customized music television in best quality. About three simple knobs, he can customize the program to their individual taste. With the rock channel, the third world of the genre is open now. An electric & dance channel will follow in the coming weeks. IPTV the German IPTV Association, a merger which has leading IPTV firms in Germany, QTom equal for two of the four categories of the IPTV Awards-nominated.

    “The jury of the German IPTV Association, consisting among others of Corinna C. Poeszus (General Manager, universal publishing production music), Sascha Lobo (star bloggers, Microbloggers, author) and Thomas Staneker (Executive Vice President T-com innovation), honor the concept of QTom with a nomination in the category of most innovative format”. Award worthy, also the underlying business is model according to the prestigious jury. QTom is free for the viewer and is financed by advertising. Enables a specific wishes of the individual music QTom the advertisers an unerring use of predefined target groups. There is a commercial-free premium model in planning. The German IPTV award will be awarded on November 26 for the third time, and is regarded as the most prestigious award of the industry. About QTom your music rules! QTom offers viewers the opportunity to intervene itself easily in the music program and via rotary knob to fit your own taste. The content is supplied by the music labels and broadcast in high audio and video quality via stream in the IPTV television or the Web browser. The concept of QTom provides advertising sales and is free for the Viewer. Through a targeted wishes of the individual music QTom enables accurate operation of predefined target groups of advertisers. A commercial-free premium model is in planning. Press contact: QTom GmbH Alexandra Vollert email: Tel: 030 47988143 Lars Mardfeldt email: Tel: 040-298677-51

  • Fresh Traffic Works Wonders

    Traffic is the lifeblood, if you want to earn money online… Traffic is the lifeblood of the cash flow of any online business, if you want to earn money online …ja. Nothing happens without traffic, with traffic itself “semi-professional” websites and shops, chances of decent sales. It is all the more important to know therefore strategies (and to use), which as far as possible free of charge help in building new Trafficstrome. So you recycle your content for more traffic the most webmasters, shop owners, Admins, and online entrepreneurs are aware that solely traffic brings new visitors to the site. This can be stimulated then through intelligent advertising copy, well-thought-out split tests, sophisticated usability, conversion-strong videos or click strong graphics a reaction, to purchase and more sales! Precondition… and here we are we sure all…

    traffic is agreed however! Content – determining factor in the Internet logically… you’ll think now everything… but this logic allows us to the previously mentioned point come back: attention to our site (or our products and services on our site) can only arise if the user it takes some of us… and that means in the Internet content and/or a backlink. Ways to recycle your content for more traffic old of blog posts new post …posten just old posts again. It brings more traffic than at the 1 times! 3 1 …schreiben turn along a new compressed post you 3 older contributions. Web page content in the autoresponder …nutzen you the older content for your emails and autoresponders.

    Older posts rewrite to …texten older posts to, update them and post them new. Blogsposts at Twitter & co post …posten your older content in social communities like Twitter, Facebook & co. posts as articles re-publish …schreiben your content to the articles to and publish it again! Web page content as a freebie …kombinieren you older content into valuable freebies and giving it away.