Tag: history

  • Greece Influence

    AWe will present an analysis of the Independence and bills of rights of Virginia, both of 1776, from the petition of rights of 1628 of England. We will deal with the rights ‘ ‘ inalienveis’ ‘ of the man, we will make a brief commentary on the sprouting of the rights of the man in the antiquity, as well as of the influence of the iluminismo and the English pioneirismo inside of this context. Finally we will deal with the legacy left for these documents and its influence in the American colonies and the current days. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Rights Freedom Independence. The individual rights of the men had appeared in old Egypt or the Mesopotmia.

    The Code of Hamurabi was the first one to tell the common laws to the men, as to the life and the dignity. After that they appear in Greece the ideals of equality and freedom of man. However, it was the Roman law that established a relation between the individual rights and the State. The Law of the Twelve Boards, a creation Roman, was the written origin of the ideals of freedom and protection of the rights of the citizens. In 1628, the Petition of Right also mentioned important aspects of the individual rights and already in 1776, William Black Stone affirmed in its classics ‘ ‘ Commentaries on the laws of England’ ‘ that ‘ ‘ the idea and practical of this freedom politics or civilian (…) could only be lost for the madness or demerit of its titular’ ‘. To this height, it is clearly the influence of the thought, that made the equal men for the reason, that is necessary. Man’s rights must be maintained in the future though ongoing work.

  • Povoamento Porto

    Articles EUGNIO, Alisson. Tensions between the Visitadores Eclesisticose the Black Brotherhoods in Century XVIII Miner. Brazilian magazine deHistria.Vol. 22 n43. So Paulo.

    2002 FORTS, Borges Joo. Brigadier General Jose Da Silva Breads and afundao of the Rio Grande. 2. ed. Porto Alegre: Erus/Company Union of SegurosGerais.

    1980. _______. The aorianos couples: presence lusa in formaodo Rio Grande Do Sul. 3. ed. Porto Alegre: Martins Bookseller, 1999. _______. Rio Grande of Is Peter: Povoamento and conquista.2 ed. Porto Alegre: Martins Bookseller, 2001. BOOK Tumble of the Parish of Mustards. Mustards: dParquia archive So Lus, 1951. Here, sweets expresses very clear opinions on the subject. MUACA, Eduardo. Soon the History of the Evangelizao of Angola: 1491-1991. Lisbon: National secretariat of the Commemorations of 5 centuries, 1991. POEL, Frei Francisco Van Der. Congado: origins and identity. access emjun.2006. PRINCIPLES of the Church in Brazil.> Petrpolis: Voices, 1952. RUBERT, Arlindo, History of the Church in the Rio Grande Do Sul. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCR, 1994. SOUZA, Aventina Teixeira. Interview granted in the city deMostardas, RS, day 22/11/2005. SOUZA, Francelino Sundays of. Granted interview nacidade of Mustards, day 22/11/2005. VAT, Frei Odulfo van to give. Principles of the Church in Brazil. , 1952. i Chronology of the Devotion of Ours Lady of the Rosary: entreos Bantos in Africa, in Portugal and Brazil, in the centuries XV-XVII, Wikipia. access in out. 2005. II Id., ibid. III Id., ibid. IV Id., ibid. v Id., ibid. vi National Secretariat of Commemorations of Five Centuries, 1991. vii BALENO, Ildio. Subsidies for the History of the CaboVerde: the necessities of the local sources through the material vestiges, 1989. viii VAT, Frei Odulfo van to give. Principles of the noBrasil Church, 1952. ix Chronology of the Devotion of Ours Lady of the Rosary: the Bantos enters in Africa, in Portugal and Brazil, in the centuries XV-XVII, Wikipia. access emout. 2005. x BERWANGER, Ana Regina. Catalogue of referring doubtful documentosmanuscritos to the existing captainship of the Rio Grande Do Sul noArquivo Overseas Description, 2001. xi EUGNIO, Alisson. Tensions between the visitadoreseclesisticos and the Black Brotherhoods in Century XVIII Miner, 2002. xi SOUZA, Aventina Teixeira of. Granted interview, 22/11/2005. xiii SOUZA, Francelino Sundays. Granted interview, 22/11/2005.

  • Thirteen Colonies

    The factors that had led to the Independence of the United States had been that England after the War of the Seven years if saw without resources to keep the expenditures of the Crown and started to elaborate laws to limit them to be able of the colonies and extreme taxes. Amongst these laws the main ones had been: Law of the Sugar (tax before the sugar and the molasses); Law Stamp-looked of it to compel all the documents passed for a Real Stamp, and the Intolerable Laws that had taken the revolution to its apogee, joining the Thirteen Colonies against England thus forming the United States. Another law that was distinguished were the Law of Tea-charging the tariffs on the commerce of the tea. Other main factors are the iluministas ideals that wanted to finish with the Absolutism, similar creation of a constitution, rights to all the people, fact that until the moment did not occur. These ideas had spread for the colonies, leading Independence to its total and full success.

  • Stella Martins Brescianni

    Such facts take these workers if to identify between itself, despertando a feeling of revolt against the oppression which is submitted by its masters. It is the start of the organization of the laborers while classroom, what it characterized the factor most important of the life politics of England, of that moment. Maria Stella Martins Brescianni, in its workmanship ' ' London and Paris in Century XIX' ' also it tells the scioeconmica reality of the proletariat, the conditions sub-human beings the one who are submitted, it persists the negative image of the new industrial world, appears then a contingent of unemployeds, where the owners of the plants see as satiated and cheap man power to operate its machines. In the half of the century, after an epidemic of clera, some municipal administrative documents are unanimous in considering the immeasurable and chaotic growth of the city and its population as cause of pssimas conditions of housing in the old part of Paris. From this context that the author argues, being about a scene of insatisfao poverty, with the population growth of the cities and the social problems also if multiplying, the workers search a survival alternative, are distinguished leaderships of the way it proletariat, appear then organizations that search improvements, that is, something that come to facilitate the life of the workers, at that moment of uncertainties, through the union of the same ones, are born the working-class movement in England. Having as the one of the main leaders person of Robert Owen. He is under the leadership of Owen, that in the used year of 1844 a group of in a plant of Rochdalle in England, called to craftsmen or teceles, even so if dealt with workers of diverse crafts, existing between the same ones, different people of convivncias and ideologies, ones being socialist utopian, following of Robert Owen, others that nor had opinions politics.

  • August Economic

    Beyond the vast one coffee production that was exported, Is Joo Landmarks also had great importance for the metropolis, Rio De Janeiro, which supplied with products as rice, fabric, maize, indigo, aguardente, birds, pigs, sugar among others agricultural articles. With the proximity of the abolition, the region started to lose its economic importance, therefore, the hand of workmanship used in the production of the coffee, main Brazilian product at the time was exactly the slave. In 1873 Joo had about 7.810 slaves in Is Landmarks, falling for 3.064 in 1887. Passed ' ' boom' ' cofee tree, the region entered in process of economic decay, surviving through small productions for internal consumption and regional exportation, beyond cattle the extensive one. The 15 of August of 1890, Are Joo of the Prince were raised the category of city, with the denomination of Are Joo Landmarks, removing Are Joo of the Prince, to erase the souvenirs of the monarchy.

    Unhappyly, some years later, the city started if to weaken. Its decay was in such a way politics how much economic and these factors had finished leading to a population weakness. Between 1898 and 1922, the number of inhabitants fell of 18.000 for 7.400. The region passed if to more come back each cattle time toward extensive and the horticulture. Many commerce if had closed and the transit of the railroads also diminished. Without conditions to carry through new infrastructure services and, less still, to conserve roads, the isolation of Is Joo Landmarks increased. Beyond factors as the fall in the coffee production and the sprouting of new roads, that made with that the number of people who passed that way diminished considerably, the presence of the Light, as it will be shown in the referring chapter to the destruction, was another responsible factor for the decay of the city and its consequent annexation to the River Clearly, that if it gave through decree 635 of 14/12/38.

  • AfterColonialismo

    As well as colonialismo, the word imperialism is not something new in history, but data for Lnin of century XX gained one at the beginning meaning special. The imperialism concept was on to the development of the capitalism. In the superior phase of the capitalism (1947) Lenin it foresaw that the occidental countries would dominate not-industrialized countries to support its growth and, opportunely, the remaining portion of the world would be absorbed by the European capitalists. This period of training of the capitalist development and this global form of domination could be called imperialism. In England, the imperial phase was tied with the all the types of cultural ideology. The racial ideology was crucial for the establishment of the empire.

    The imperialism in this in case that he were on to the idea of a civilizadora mission, to the estimated one of the racial superiority e, the basic difference between civilization and savagery. With this, the civilizadora mission assumed a basic differentiation between the races white and not white. The imperialism can be defined as a system economic of penetration and control of markets without necessarily having the control direct politician, as in the case of the American imperialism which was overwheling some nations for a considered amount of time. Now, thinking about After-Colonialismo we must have in mind that to define the term after-colonial or after-colonialismo is not an easy task, therefore has been subject of an interminable debate. These terms have been contested for many critics. The prefix ‘ ‘ ps’ ‘ , for example, it is contested by its meaning, therefore of a idea to come later or supplanting.

    For some critics, if the consequences of the colonialismo still are visible gifts and, then he is one I exaggerate premature to announce the end of the colonialismo. It must be considered that a country can be at the same time politically independent, however economically and culturally to be dependent. One has suggested that it is more useful to think about after-colonialismo not only as what it comes after the colonialismo (in this case this would mean its end) but yes of one it forms more flexible, that would englobaria the plea of the colonial domination and the legacies of the colonialismo.

  • German U-boats

    The objective age to promote a naval blockade against England. As ' ' wolves in return of its presa' ' , thus they had been known the U-boats, that had rightened the British first-minister. England had a damage of 3,5 a thousand tons. But nor of glory the submarines only lived, therefore frequently they were destroyed by the reached enemies when being with depth bombs, or even though they disappeared without leaving tracks. They not only attacked ships, as well as ports, hydroelectric plants and any type of suspicious target. Now the U-boats did not act alone as in the First War, but now in set to have greater victory possibility.

    Exactly far ones of the others the radio was an indispensable instrument for the communication with excessively. This battle did not only happen in air, but also in the sea, where to the English they had had many losses since the beginning of the war, when the submarines German invested in attack to its ships bringing terror even though the first civil population to be attacked when the merchant ship Athenia was torpedeado and sank, this event was what Germany lacked Great-Britain to declare war to it. Acuada for the U-boats, British Real navy was seen obliged to create a school in Liverpool for members of the crew of escort boats. The idealizer of this training was admiral Max Horton. It was pioneering, when suggesting that the ships if organized in convoys, surrounded for ships sentries to prevent afundamentos. Beyond submarines the Germans had used privateer ships with powerful weapons of war on board to make it difficult the maritime commerce of the enemy, as well as the transport of warlike material for the countries Allies. After the conquest of France in 1940, the French Atlantic coast served of base submarine to supply without needing to skirt the North Atlantic, thus diminishing distances that had later made the difference.

  • Fallen Angels

    This is done by mental sends, sent by a mass of people to commit their actions, like, first of all those souls who prevail over these people, well then, and have souls, dominant until some time over the souls that inspired the Earth consciousness of these people. To make it easier to understand this process, it can be compared with the creation of the script for the film. Initially, the director creates a scenario – this role is dominant consciousness of the Soul in a mental plan of the Earth. Then, for the future of film actors are chosen, who will play a role – in this case by the consciousness of people, who then are born on Earth in the guise of man. Then the actors perform the orders of the director, performing actions according to their roles. People of the Earth perform actions at the expense of action on these ideas emanating from the consciousness of the soul, takes precedence over human consciousness. People do not realize that the idea which arises in his mind is not always him. Thought orders man, and he commits an act pleasing to the owner of his mind. By what power, light or dark belongs to the human consciousness, such deeds, and it basically does. Given the fact that there were many among the angels of the Fallen Angels – the defeat of the virus of Darkness "- as well as the souls of men with highly developed consciousness, which contain the" virus of Darkness ", then some people will inevitably start to obey their will, making some extremely indiscretions.

  • Similarity

    The similarity is in all All the people is identical or all the people present concentrical differences? It is possible to stand out that the society passed for three stages of identity, in which in its set is defined absolutely with equal characteristics for all the individuals, however, characteristics that many times are compressed by external factors. The three stages of identity are: equality of the creation, equality of the civilization and equality of the globalization. The Equality of the creation was the occured stage in the primrdios of the life in the Land, when the people lived still in caves or places of the sort. In this period, and as currently, the people were equal, what she compressed the characteristics of the collective, many times were, for example, the visible courage of an only component of the group to hunt an animal, what she placed this person in a prominence position. Already the Equality of the civilization was one of the stages most lasting, that with passing of the years it was passing for one I implement of perfectioning, resulting in the current stage of the Equality of the globalization.

    Therefore he is correct to affirm that without the stage of the Equality of the civilization, the current society would not be living in the stage of the globalization. The stage of the Equality of the civilization if more initiates with the first cities or empires ' ' ocidentalizados' ' , as the Roman Empire, and it goes until middle of century XX, when the globalization starts to act strong. In this stage, the people also are equal, however now she has the presence of the inaquality, separating simply the most needed people provided with wealth of. The characteristics of the stage of the civilization if reveal in the current stage of the Equality of the globalization. In the current stage, more than what never, the people are more similar between itself, therefore, because of the globalization, the citizens of the different countries are if interrelating frequently in diverse ways, resulting in one she saves world-wide of behaviors. In period in continuation, exactly with differentiated options of activity, ideology, that is, the life option, the people does not leave of being equal. A person is a brazeness to think that she is total different of the others. A person thinking in such a way must reflect deeply in a comparison on its position of life in relation to the society. Therefore, answering the initial question of this dissertao, all the identical people are concerteza, presenting isolated concentrical differences because of the compression of external factors.

  • Military Dictatorship

    The 64 blow of and the Military dictatorship. 2 ed. So Paulo; publishing company: Modern, 2004. We can detach some workmanships edited for the Modern woman editor as: Ethics Globalizada and Sociedade de Consumo, American Genocide, the War of Paraguay, the 64 Blow of and the Military dictatorship, the fights of the Brazilian people, the Discovery the Canudos, the black in Brazil, Of the Senzala to the abolition, Violence in the Field and the Large state and the agrarian reform.

    At the moment we will be working ‘ ‘ The 64 Blow of and the Militar’ Dictatorship; ‘ ; Chiavenato searchs to examine the economic one, the society and the politics, pointing the main points that had propitiated the Blow of 64. The 1984 enter 1964, notice that the dictatorship in Brazil destroyed the structure economic and institutionalized the corruption. This book has as base to represent the call ‘ ‘ regimen militar’ ‘ that it was restored in April in the year of 1964. Credencias of the.