In national scope, a study it told the way used for the elaboration of an archetype of system informatizado for support to the decision, using the NANDA, the NIC and the NOC (13). The use of the NIC in the practical assistencial also demonstrated to be boarding of significant interest for the inquiry on the NIC between the analyzed works. A time is considered that the relative studies to this boarding are, in fact, of great interest for the research concerning this taxonomy, that the same one offers relative standardized language to the interventions of nursing, that is, to the actions that the nurses carry through in its daily one and possess, then, significant proximity with the practical assistencial. In this perspective, it enters the studies carried through in international scope, was elaborated a study that objectified to identify to the effect of the reminiscncia therapy proposal for the NIC between aged with depression, interned in a clinic, and to compare its effectiveness with the traditional form of the therapy of reminiscncia used in this place (14). In study carried through in Korea, to interventions and results in submitted patients had been identified disgnostic, the abdominal surgery. These they had been compared with the NIC and also with the Classification of the Results of Enfermagem (NOC). The authors recommend the accomplishment of more studies of validation of the taxonomias in the different countries (15). Other carried through studies are mentioned: ) to the development of a form to register the practical one of nursing in public health, based in the standardized languages of nursing, between them, the NIC (16); b) to the description of the practical one of nursing in parquias* using NMDS (Nursing Minimum Data Set) and the NIC to codify the elements of cares of nursing (17); c) to the identification of the interventions and activities of nursing used by nurses of public health in the cares in domicile to the gestante of high risk, in the prenatal period (18); d) to the description of the use of the NIC in a cardiovascular unit of intensive cares and the paper of the service of education in this direction, having been identified, among others aspects, that the professionals who already work with the nursing disgnostic they had been more apt to the use of the NIC (19); e) to the description and validation of nursing disgnostic and interventions in the practical one, being that the interventions had been submitted to the project of Iowa for revision and consideration for the second edition of the NIC (20).
Tag: health and beauty
Minimum Data Set