Its relevance is nailed, and, however, if it makes of it a business: atrelada education to the market, ' ' hand invisvel' ' that it commands puppets. E, considering the pertaining to school educational process, is possible to identify this relation, therefore, as Gandin (2000, P. 08) ' ' the pertaining to school system if according to organizes structural lines of the society where if ' inserts …; '. Giroux (1997, P. 46), in turn, confirms that: … the schools do not exist in perfect isolation of the remaining portion of the society. They incorporate collective attitudes that permeiam all the aspects of its organization.
In essence, them they are not things, but concrete manifestations of specific rules and social relationships. The nature of its organization is based on values. This objective text by means of the aid of a theoretical referencial, to apprehend and to understand elements of the neoliberal politics in the educational context. The pretension is not to deplete the subject, but to provoke the debate, to inquietar, to contribute for the reflection in this conjuncture. The thematic reflection justifies, considering that the mercantilizao of the education, equitably represents the privatization of rights that would have to be of all. The transcribing balances are decurrent of the formularization of questions and the estruturao of the referring answers. What it follows, are some investigations that they make possible to problematizar the subject in question: that elements of the neoliberalismo are identifiable in practical the educational one? That measures (concrete actions) adopted certify the co-relation education/market? That parameters/educational principles the neoliberal society complain in the formation of the human beings? Which the conception of pupil (of man) that subjs to practical the pedagogical ones? Which the destination of the majority of the population? It will be that we must submitting in them to the designs of the market? 1 Education: ' ' vende-se' ' /' ' purchase-se' ' The phenomenon of the globalization 2, as process of reorganization of the capitalist system, by means of the adoption of politics that not only perpassam the economic dimension, characterizes the relative society to the current days.