Tag: education

  • Education

    Its relevance is nailed, and, however, if it makes of it a business: atrelada education to the market, ' ' hand invisvel' ' that it commands puppets. E, considering the pertaining to school educational process, is possible to identify this relation, therefore, as Gandin (2000, P. 08) ' ' the pertaining to school system if according to organizes structural lines of the society where if &#039 inserts …; '. Giroux (1997, P. 46), in turn, confirms that: … the schools do not exist in perfect isolation of the remaining portion of the society. They incorporate collective attitudes that permeiam all the aspects of its organization.

    In essence, them they are not things, but concrete manifestations of specific rules and social relationships. The nature of its organization is based on values. This objective text by means of the aid of a theoretical referencial, to apprehend and to understand elements of the neoliberal politics in the educational context. The pretension is not to deplete the subject, but to provoke the debate, to inquietar, to contribute for the reflection in this conjuncture. The thematic reflection justifies, considering that the mercantilizao of the education, equitably represents the privatization of rights that would have to be of all. The transcribing balances are decurrent of the formularization of questions and the estruturao of the referring answers. What it follows, are some investigations that they make possible to problematizar the subject in question: that elements of the neoliberalismo are identifiable in practical the educational one? That measures (concrete actions) adopted certify the co-relation education/market? That parameters/educational principles the neoliberal society complain in the formation of the human beings? Which the conception of pupil (of man) that subjs to practical the pedagogical ones? Which the destination of the majority of the population? It will be that we must submitting in them to the designs of the market? 1 Education: ' ' vende-se' ' /' ' purchase-se' ' The phenomenon of the globalization 2, as process of reorganization of the capitalist system, by means of the adoption of politics that not only perpassam the economic dimension, characterizes the relative society to the current days.

  • Education

    In the publication of its article MOREIRA, it cites on the Real initiates of the EAD: The Education in the distance – EAD started in century XV, when Johannes Guttenberg, in Mogncia, Germany, invented the press, with composition of words with mobile characters. With the creation, one became unnecessary to go to schools to attend venerating the master to read, in the front of its disciples, book the rare copied. Before, the books, copied manually, were carssimos and therefore inaccessible to the common people, reason by which the masters were dealt with as integrant the cut. It counts the history that the schools of the time of Guttenberg had mechanically resisted during years the pertaining to school book printed matter, that it could make with that if became unnecessary the figure of the master. In the modern version, Sweden registers the first experience in this field of education in 1883.

    In 1840 one has notice of the EAD in England; in Germany it was implemented in 1856 and in the United States, education for correspondence in 1874 was noticed. The beginning of the EAD in Brazil dates probably of 1904. 3 – the INTERNET For being a closed information and that it collaborates for the studied scene, tragos in the words of Alfonso (2000) information of great importance on the sprouting of the Internet in the world. ? In 1969, searching of the public and private sector in U.S.A. they had been 1969 contracted to develop a net for the ARPA – Agency of Projects of Advanced Research of the Department of Defense of the United States. It was the height of the Cold War, and the demand was to create a system of interconnections between computers of any type that could be remained in operation with redundancy of storage of data and of same processing that several we were destroyed.

  • Baltic Languages

    In the first part we consider the first two of the above "dead" Baltic languages. Galindsky or golyadsky – language belonging to the Baltic tribe Galindians, which was first mentioned in the chronicle texts Russia in 11-12 centuries. Tribe Galindians ranks first in time references of all existing Baltic tribes. Title tribe, probably comes from either the word "edge", "margin", or from hydronyms (name influx Narew, the name of the lake). According to some assumptions under Galindo knew several ethno-linguistic groups that have existed in the Baltic Sea. In different historical sources provided different information about the placement Galindo. Thus, from the writings of Ptolemy can understand that the place of localization Galindians located between the territories of Iran Veneti tribes and the Alans, to the east from the first race.

    In Russian chronicles are talking about placing them in the river basin Protva, south-west of Moscow. Doesburg Galindo refers to the Prussian lands. So, scope Galindians large, this fact is explained by the fact that the tribes in ancient times, actively migrating, particularly in the south, south-west and later westwards to Europe. Start migrations coincides with the "Roman times" that explains the existence of one of the titles Volusiana emperor, who ruled in the 3 century – Galindsky. Galindsky language has left its mark in the formation of several European languages – French, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and also in some dialects of Russian. Despite the fact that data on the language of the tribe Galindians not quite a lot, its importance in the formation of some European language is sufficiently large.

  • Identity For Society

    For ends of this category we use the reflection of a student who says: ‘ ‘ People have lessons here that people if interest, like to study, because it is everything what people live daqui outside, therefore people finds more easy what the teacher teaches and people see same people in ours aulas’ ‘. (Daily of field, 29/03/2011). With this, we perceive that the integrant children of the MST not only meet submissas the transformations in the society, as well as participate of them, a time who militate together with its parents in favor of the agrarian reform. That is, participation and the inclusion in the processes politicians if is taught to them since very early, test of this, if of the one in the direction of that the children attend the existing meetings in the organization, as well as they travel with its familiar ones and they march for its fight. In this direction the employee says: ‘ ‘ That the pupils if feel daqui and are as if the school was the second house, because they play, if amuses and likes to study here.

    I also feel very well here and taste very of this escola’ ‘. (Daily of field, 14/04/2011). 4,3 Formation politics For ends of this category we use the reflection of the teacher who says: ‘ ‘ Education of this place is differentiated, because, the students, are dealt with different form of the ones that are treated in the schools, from there ones of the factors that differentiate this school of the others. Here it is valued what the citizen is and we do not want that it is devaluated and disrespected for its values, customs, quite to the contrary, we make with that the children see as they are important in society, therefore is that we give lessons on citizenship and politics so that when they grow are politicized beings and fight inside for its rights of the society, at the same time they also fulfill with its deveres’ ‘.

  • English

    Courses of English in England for the every one courses English in England cannot be more comfortable. Once installed in the city that you have chosen for formarte, you can choose the form to study that it desires to you more. In an individual course, courses of reduced groups, ampler groups, in intensive courses. Always, clearly, with customized attention directed by highly qualified professors and in a stretched and pleasant atmosphere. Education is a basically vocational profession, so it is very rare to give with a professor who completely is not given to the cause. In addition, that people know what does. In case outside little, after class always you can take something with the other students and, why no? , with your professor. To learn a matter, is a language or any other thing, does not have to be a suplicio.

    It can be the way. To study English abroad is better Why? Why to study English abroad supposes an advantage against doing it in our country? You really need an answer a this? Very well. First of all, because yes. And this because yes it implies, among other things, that if you can permitrtelo, and you can, because the courses and the lodging abroad are much more cheap than you imagine, is no good reason so that you do not do it. I understand that you would like to know some other reasons. The best thing would be than you spoke with any person who has studied in another country so that she is on the awares to you, but, for example, if you study English in another country you are going to have something to count.

    You are going to know a pile of interesting people. You go more to sentirte realised. You are going to discover a new culture. You are going to really learn English. You go to sentirte like in house before DES tells you. You are going to vary your routine and to oxigenarte with the air change. You are not going to want to return Itself?