Tag: education & career

  • Stanford University

    In addition, there are various creative techniques that help generate ideas and empower people to think across. Capacity for innovation is above all an inner attitude of thinking. By Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most creative and visionary people who ever lived, we know that he has never lost his child-like curiosity. He was seemingly goal – and unmotivated, free from constraints, free from predetermined patterns of thought and without pressure. And it has him just this mental freedom allows to create cross-links, combine things and events and to generate just innovative, new ideas. In a world where working and living spaces blend more and more and increases the pressure, it’s hard to be more creative.

    How can it succeed anyway? Everyone should create thinking spaces so times or places that inspire and help to unleash the own thoughts. This little downtime from everyday not only help maintain professional and personal balance and clarify also the head. In this downtime we have then often exactly the thought flashes, which we spend hours cramped have mused on the desk and in the Office. To the innovate belongs but also the willingness to learn from mistakes. Thomas Edison once said: I am a lucky man. About 5000 ways, I know how to make a light bulb. That alone shows that you must allow not only errors and learn from them. Being innovative is hard intellectual work.

    You need one great resilience to cope with failures. Which competences of employees, your opinion will be most in demand in the future and why? I think future competence, i.e. the ability to changing times, to be able to adapt changing technologies, transformations of society and increasingly uncertain economic conditions, for the ultimate soft skill of our time. It will arrive in our fast-paced world, increasingly confident that applicants and employees find their core talents and define and are able to apply them in new situations, business models and environments. Also this is a form of personal power of innovation. The video on the topic can be found here: about Melanie Vogel: Melanie Vogel, innovation coach and member of the innovation network of Stanford University, is Managing Director of AoN agency without name GmbH. Anders thinkers “aims to help companies make the transition to a life-friendly work environment. Only this change leads to the Unleash the maximum potential of innovation based on the diversity within the workforce, a target-based management and a corporate culture that promotes the potential and talents of each employee and to the creativity and value added of the entire company strengthens. As initiator of women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress for women, the land of ideas AoN 2012 with the Innovation Prize “awarded.