Tag: creativity

  • United States

    According to article published in the investigation magazine Archives of Neurology (Arch Neurol. 2010 Feb; 67 (2): 154-60) the clinical test to evaluate the security and tolerabilidad of Dimebon (latrepirdine) in the disease of Huntington and to explore its effects in the mental function, the behavior, and the motor symptoms have shown results you will preeliminate positives. The clinical Test was a blind, multi-centre double, in which 91 patients with disease of Huntington of slight participated to moderate in 17 centers between the United States and England from Julio of the 2007 to Julio of 2008. The Dimebon (latrepirdine) was administered to 20 mgs 3 times to the day. The primary objective era to evaluate the tolerabilidad, defined as the capacity to complete the study to the assigned dose, the secondary variable in study included changes in score of the basal line of the Unified scale of Disease of Huntington (UHDRS), the Mini-mental test, and the mental Scale of Alzheimer. The obtained results were the following: Dimebon (latrepirdine): well 87% were tolerated (of patients to whom I administer Dimebon to him completed the study Versus 82% in the group placebo control), the rate of adverse events was comparable in the 2 groups (70% in the group Dimebon and 80% in the Placebo group). The treatment with Dimebon (latrepirdine) gave like result an improvement in the average of score of the Mini-mental test compared with the group placebo. Significant effects in score of the basal line of the Unified scale of Disease of Huntington were not observed (UHDRS). I conclude in this study that the administration during a short period of Dimebon (latrepirdine) well is tolerated in patients with Disease of Huntington and can have a beneficial effect at mental level, reason why a clinical but great Test this justifying in the population of the patients with Disease of Huntington.