Tag: cover

  • Government

    A wave of layoffs is coming? It is the fear that exists and there are valid arguments about it. The companies knew they could not dismiss employees before the elections because they would receive a strong official pressure, not in the interest of preserving the labour sources but because of the political impact that this would have. Two weeks ago, Ismael Bermudez presented in Clarin, the evidence of the deterioration in the labour market observed recently: this deterioration began to be reflected in the official data: in March of this year companies contributed to Social security by 5.520.891 employees in dependent relationship, 2.2% less than in the same month of 2008 (6.8% less than the maximum reached in May 2008). If no massive lay-offs occurred is by the intervention of the Government subsidies to companies and by the agreement of rotating suspensions. The post-election scenario comes with a charged emergency agenda.

    The new Congress, which will assume in December, will come with everything as they say. INDEC, partnership and labor laws, are already on the agenda of the new Congress. Since the trade union sector, Hugo Moyano, ally (and enemy at the same time) the Government anticipated having a loaded agenda to deal in Congress. Although it is his duty to defend the rights of workers, Moyano intends to submit projects with a high impact on the labor cost which, in a decidedly inconvenient time, determine greater difficulties for the unemployed to get jobs and layoffs anticipated in various sectors affected by the crisis. Francisco Olivera for La Nacion, revealed the relief felt after the defeat K entrepreneurs, doing so strong entrepreneurship as these opinions transcend: O change or will be, I have no doubt, and I think that they do not change or it is the best thing that could have happened – explayaban last night at the UIA-.

    The first thing you need to do is pacify the country and generate trust. The Argentina has a historic opportunity. The market also gave their verdict and showed his conformism by the brake citizenship gave the project K, reflecting through a moderate rise of 1 per cent on the Merval, hikes of up to 14% in bonds, a fall of about 134 points in the country risk and the low in a dime for the quotation of the dollar selling retailer closed at $3.80 the tip. The reading of the market is that he expects that the electoral golpazo, can be done to change the course of the economic policy of Argentina. Is it the correct interpretation? A new arena opens in the Argentina. The need for a change in the direction of economic policy is not new. The Government has the fair excuse to change his speech and begin once and for all to tackle the economic problems that really affect the country and concern to the Argentines. Do what the Government, the Argentine economic model post convertibility, do as we met so far, hardly can be maintained for a long time. Original author and source of the article.

  • Salle University Santo Tomas University

    DE LA UNIVERSIDAD LA SALLE and University SANTO TOMAS in relationship to your weak philosophy I freely express my thought and my opinion. According to the art 20 of the political Constitution of colombia, 1991. as it was know the University of santo tomas and University of Salle la. they form a whole with the alleged name of beings that showed be holy. Maybe what were in reality, maybe in appearance. business name or famous name of its institutions, is not more than the structure of a dogma, since the mission and the first reality of spirituality than brindaron no longer exists. hand plaster, wood and stone that formed the abandonment. capitalism consumed the bowels of a mission that success and projection with the time lost.

    It is a machinery charge of forming a monopoly. a semester is much more valuable, a purported thinker who is desired to aggrandize the name of subject two universities. a church that walks a step slow because this pick up. they already had the strength and the strength that God has given him the order of the Capuchin tertiary parents. Since these last you while to the philosopher his mission. its purpose and desire that has managed to exceed the State and imperialism ambitions. I am revolutionary? not by God. weapons and the revolution by force does not bring more than misery, hunger and poverty.

    Apart from that, he curses the land. single express to these two universities are not more than a handful of mud trampled by decades, because it lacks thinkers who take the trouble to teach the new generations, things worthy descendants of the divinity. something within my mocks the University santo tomas de aquino, believing in that entity, give a crumb of respect saying: contact us, then they are lost in time and do not answer my questions nor refute my essays. If those who claim to teach philosophy, not should respond to the new philosophers? Maybe you look at the Bachelor’s degree, if it is not a bourgeois University, so that. These are the worthy beings that move on a social sphere at snail pace. on the other hand the University of Salle la, never answered or that is A or B. as to a mostruo fattened by the summation of the University semesters that generate an excellent capital, what interests him less is, respond to a marginal thinker. and much less think about stupid religion. enough to create within the Silencio, a series of chapels or a church and that swindle to a bourgeois town. the judge of heaven it deems the causes.