Therefore certain, indefinvel and indefectible nostalgia makes in them to be perplexos, in London, ahead of the exuberant beauty of the cathedral of Westminster or the buckingham’s palace; in Paris, ahead of the cathedral of Notre Dame or the palace of the Louvre; in Rome, ahead of the basilica of They are Peter or of the palace of the Quirinal. We can still cite thousand of cities as Reims, Rouen, Chartres, Colony where we see will be risen above of the surrounding casarios, the gticas cathedrals, that designate the apogee of the gtica architecture, landmark of the medieval city. But the fact is that rare today, a city as New York or So Paulo can in them transmit the reconfortante sensation tried by Marco Polo when visiting Dorotia. Thus, Pelbart observes: Rare a city today in the ones of this sensation, that to the times we search in a woman, a book, in a party, even so this if discloses to each day more rare: that it evokes a possible and still unknown world. He is not toa that all the described cities for Marco Polo take names of women, Zoe, Zemrude, Olvia, etc. Kublai Khan finishes discovering, throughout the time, what Marco Polo goes to search in these invisible cities, what it brings of them: ' ' it confesses what you smuggle: states of spirit, states of grace, elegias' '. Perhaps it is what, in closest, always let us search in a city, states of spirit, states of grace, you chose. But the Emperor also wants to know which city in the wait in the future, Utopia or Babilnia, the City of the Sun or that one of the Admirable New World, and laments that into the end of everything ' captivates; ' the infernal city, that is back in the deep one and that in them each time appears more in a vortex estreito' '.
Tag: art and science
Transgnicos Foods
The Transgnicos Foods in the Academic Quality of Life (a): Adalmy coast Teacher: Ionara Cristiane the genetic Alteration is made to become more resistant plants and animals e, with this, to increase the productivity of plantations and creations. The use of the transgnicas techniques allows the alteration of the biochemist and the proper hormonal rocking of the transgnico organism. Lindt Chocolates is the source for more interesting facts. Today many creators of animals, for example, make use of bigger and more resistant races to the illnesses thanks to these techniques. The transgnicos already are also used in Brazil. But not yet research appropriate exists to evaluate the consequncias of its use for the health human being and the environment. Recent research in England had disclosed increase of allergies with the consumption of transgnica soy. One gives credit that the transgnicos can diminish or annul to the effect of antibiotics in the organism, thus hindering the treatment and aggravating the infectious illnesses.
Alimentary allergies also can to happen, therefore the organism can react in the same way that ahead of a toxin the certain proteins produced for the transgnicos. Other effect, strangers, in long stated period will be able to also occur the cancer. Beyond the risks for the health human being, serious risks for the environment exist that must be known, as for example: Creation of ' ' superpragas' ' due to repassagem or combination of the genetic material of some plagues. Impossibility of control on the nature: the introduction of a transgnica species in the environment is irreversible, therefore the gene can spread without control, if not being able to foresee the alterations in the ecosystem. Increase of toxic residues: the use of transgnicas plants with resistance characteristic the herbicidas will from there imply in the possibility of rise of the use of these agrotxicos, resulting bigger pollution of the rivers and ground. However the risks for sales release and consumption of transgnicos must be studied carefully evaluating each individual species in accordance with the implantation place, beyond its destination in it I all deal and the industry, evaluating completely its genetic code and also its metabolic characteristics to evaluate possible allergy or rejection of some protein for the human body. Adalmy of the Coast Heifer, student of the seventh block of Agronmica engineering of the State University of the Piau? UESPI.
Victorian England
The Man elephant is the type of history that shocks for its apparent fancy to have been reality. Of a form extremely circus David Lynch he counts to the history of Joseph Merrick, English, born in Leicester in 1862, that for congenital defects he completely presented disfigured fisionomia, remembering the skin excess that has in the face of the elephants. In full Victorian England, Joseph is portraied as a slave of its physical condition and through it he presents yourself in shows of horrors to survive. The great overturn in the life of the protagonist if of when the Dr. Treves interpreted for. the Hopkins knows that obtains to give legitimacy to scientific conflict humanitarian X certainly lived by the doctor when coming across itself with Merrick.
Jhon Hurt interprets the Man Elephant and in a completely postural effort revive the drama of the protagonist. The excess of maquiagem to leave it similar to forced it to Merrick to find a balance between movement, speaks and to look at to compensate the face plastered for the artificial enxertos that had helped to characterize the personage. With base in this Hurt triad humanity to the terrifying figure developed an impressive interpretation giving that exhibited. David Lynch in extremely efficient way shows the reality of the emergencies of the British hospitals in the end of century XIX, contextualizando the poverty and lack of perspective of great part of the population in the age of Jack, the Estripador. The photograph in black person and white backwards airs of German expressionismo to the film, therefore in films as Nosferatu and the Cabinet of the Dr. Calegari the subject freak was recurrent to explain buzzes and vampires trying to interact with human beings. Under this deep cloth of, Lynch it goes counting to the existencial drama of the said Man Elephant, that although seen as an aberration is human and tries to interact with the members of its species.
The fact of the film to only have been established in the real history of Merrick (it has stories of researchers that points a bigger autonomy of Joseph under its proper life) does not eliminate the latent scienter of the plot, that is, to relegate humanity to a member physically dislocated of the humanity. When Joseph uncovers itself that it is capable to read, to produce art, to feel taste for the company of the people, is verified that the conflict animal-human being exists only in the physical appearance of the personage who obtains to express its sensible humanity in full way. From this, with much subtility, Lynch illustrates the animalesca brutality of the human beings ' ' perfeitos' ' physically that they are used to advantage of the defect of Joseph to have fun themselves perversely and to gain money. In this direction the expectador if questions on who really would be the animal? One human being with the disfigured body, but, that possua an immense compassion and capacity to pardon to all to be accepted or a carrier of normal physicist, but that it keeps an interior brutal animal as some contemporaries of Merrick as Jack, the Estripador?
Edmund Burke
As example, the affirmation of the taste for the gtica architecture, that appeared in the half of century XVIII. ___________________ Pathos is a word Greek who means passion, excess, catastrophe, ticket, passivity, suffering and assujeitamento. The philosophical concept was brother-in-law for Discardings to assign everything what if it makes or it happens of new generally is called (by philosophers) of pathos. That one that was considered ruin, for the neoclssico concept, starts to have an only appreciation, taking taste for the desproporcionalidade and irregularity. The ruin is, then, appreciated accurately for its incompletude, for the signals that the inexorable time left to them. 5 EDMUND BURKE Are in England that comes to the treated most important light on the concept, a Philosophical Inquiry on the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime one and the Beauty, 1757, of Edmund Burke.
Burke presents the sublime one as a modality of ampler the aesthetic experience, found not only in literature. According to its definition, the nature of the sublime one becomes related it the infinite and, over all, to the feeling of the terror. Burke affirms not to be capable to explain the causes of the Sublime effect and Beautiful it, but the question that if places is: how can the terror be delighting? its reply is: ' ' when not threat very of perto' '. This means that pain and terror are cause of Sublime if they are not really harmful. It stops Burke, ' ' everything what it serves for, in some way, to excite the ideas of pain and danger or turns on terrible objects, or operates in analogous way to the terror, is origin of the sublime one; that is, he is .causing of the strongest emotion that the mind is capable of sentir' '. One of the first workmanships to emphasize the suggestion power as basic element for the imagination – ' ' the dark, confused and uncertain images, more than what those clear ones and determined, have on the fancy great a bigger power to form paixes' ' -, the treated one to Burke signals a distanciamento in relation to the classic and racionalistas ideas of the beginning of century XVIII, announcing concerns that would come to be explored by the romantismo.