Anonymous quality check of the magazine ‘Top hotel’ reveals some of the great weaknesses of recent Hotel test from top hotel at the Ritz London surprised even experienced Hotel experts, because the anonymous quality check of the experienced tester of the hotel fell with the overall satisfactory unexpectedly negative hotel of the world for the leading. What a gem could be the Ritz in London, but turn it many staff in level, the conclusion. Especially disappointed the tester of the hotel the guest rooms: musty, rubbish under the bed and some more annoyances. Behind the facade shows not only scratches, but revealed huge cracks, such as in particular the guest room 105″, so the test report. Also, there is a humdrum much too often bordering on sloppiness in many places.
The housekeeping is not the only example of this. A large part of the male employees has yet to learn, guaranteeing a uniform alone does no good performance.” But there is also positive news from the Ritz: so “” the reservations received a very good “and also the gourmet restaurant Ritz” could score points for the tester. Are linked to some negative examples are as was the breakfast buffet or the floor both with deficient”rated. “The disappointment of the tester of the hotel was great, because as overall rating was for this elite and equally costly House a very good” been expected. “That instead precisely and only the public toilets with the best grade world class ‘ rated can be, needs no further comment.” “” The test results at a glance: (Max: 100 points per criterion) book – 91 check-in – 47 rooms 105 – 14 bath – 67 message transfer – 84 room – 38 afternoon tea – 41 breakfast buffet – 21 restaurant Ritz “-80 Rivoli bar” – 40 banquet – 89 floor breakfast – 37 housekeeping – 32 safety aspects – 80 corridors/lifts/stairs – 96 outdoor – 60 wellness/fitness – 41 Shoe cleaning service – 84 check-out – 31 lost & found – 81 “Overall impression – 52 (100-81 very good; 80-61; 60-41 satisfying; 40-21 deficient; 20-0 insufficient) the detailed test report appears in the issue of April from top hotel” and can be seen in the Online Edition at.
The service checks be carried out always anonymously and on their own account. The reports are the constructive criticism and enjoy a high reputation in the international hotel management and industry experts. Last in the test were the Westin Leipzig (58 out of maximum 100 points), Kempinski Hotel Gravenbruch Frankfurt (36 points), hotel Fahrhaus Sylt (67 points) and Vila Vita Hotel & rose Park Marburg (62 points). Top hotel is the renowned journal for the hotel management in Germany. The magazine published ten times a year in the leisure-Verlag, Landsberg, a company of Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt (VHB). The widespread circulation is 20,000 copies.