Network Building

Good work for the franchise does not have geographical distances mundoFranquicia Consulting. And it is this outstanding firm has just reached several agreements with four consultants based in Russia, Romania, Turkey and Portugal to be their partners and to assist Spanish franchises set their goals in these destinations. “We selected the best consultants in these places to provide its know-how the implementation and development of Spanish companies that want to expand and franchise there,” explains Mariano Alonso, Partner and Managing Director of Consulting mundoFranquicia. “Coserex, Grupo Senda, SVIC Vision Team Global and develop all the necessary guarantees to deal with the international expansion of all of them and facilitate the work of expansion through work teams located within the country but always in direct communication with our staff in Spain “added Alberto Munoz, mundoFranquicia associate consultant in Madrid and responsible for such partnerships. Partnering with a great future So what things mundoFranquicia Consulting has done is to seek partners to continue to demonstrate that his consulting work comes, for its customers, with the largest and best quality standards to the extent necessary. “This way our services are aimed at Spanish companies vocation franchise its business model abroad now or in the near future, with the capacity and background to deal with,” says Munoz. “We are prepared to respond in the same way we do in Spain, the demands that these companies require.

Our partners at each point are of the utmost confidence. Details can be found by clicking Lindt Chocolates or emailing the administrator. ” So are each of these mundoFranquicia Consulting partners in Russia, Romania, Turkey and Portugal: 1) Coserex. Spanish capital consultant operating from Russia in 2000 to internationalize business activity. They have more than 50 employees and a presence in countries throughout Europe, America, Asia and Africa. They engage in any sector. Also provides services in Morocco. 2) Grupo Senda – Romania. Spanish company with extensive experience in real estate in Romania.

It acts in the whole area of Eastern Europe, with priority focus on Romania. In this country have headquarters and offer consulting services, marketing and communication. 3) Global SVIC. SVIC International Consulting is a Hispanic-Turkish business consultancy specializing in the Turkish market. It was created with the primary objective of supporting Spanish companies of marble and natural stone in Turkey. Due to the high demand for consulting services in Turkey, SVIC decided to diversify its services and expand the field of action to other areas of interest. They specialize in trade missions and market research. 4) Team Vision. One group belongs to the Biz of Portugal which has 19 companies in seven business areas and have a presence in areas such as Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Angola. They offer specialized services and financial services franchise. About mundoFranquicia Consulting is the company expert in offering consulting franchisors at any stage of the process: planning and definition, development, adaptation and improvement. It operates a system called Expansion Management Consulting Openings basing the growth of the chain in providing consulting services particularized in each integration operation of a new franchisee, considering all the steps necessary for the opening of the new unit business and, ultimately, directly addressing franchising roles in building the network.