Digital technology in radio for a long time are not new, many years in Russia, actively promoted by the decision of the tetra standard and P25, but these technologies are a "global solution" intended primarily for "Ministries" and because of its high cost are not available to most organizations in need of operational radio communications. But technology develops, there are new solutions, and about a year ago, Motorola released a new line of digital radios mototrbo, which is intermediate between conventional analogue radio stations and "big brothers". mototrbo digital radios allow you to add to the basic function of analog radio – voice calls, such new features as the transmission of text messages, caller identification coordinate with built-in gps receiver, personal and group challenges and more. In addition, when using a digital transponder DR3000 physical frequency using tdma technology is divided into 2 logical channel (2 time slot), which allows you to transmit through a single transponder 2 times more conversations or data. For construction traffic control system based on digital radio mototrbo does not need to "break" the old radio system – digital radios can operate in analog mode. You can gradually replace the outdated and going down the analog radios with new digital radios mototrbo, while continuing to work in the analog channels before the complete replacement of the park radio. It should be borne in mind that only with full transition to digital technology becoming available all the mototrbo digital services. Initially, digital radios mototrbo provides enough common features in the construction of scalable systems, but as new versions embedded software become available, such technologies "IP Site Connect" and "Capacity Plus".