Marco Polo

Therefore certain, indefinvel and indefectible nostalgia makes in them to be perplexos, in London, ahead of the exuberant beauty of the cathedral of Westminster or the buckingham’s palace; in Paris, ahead of the cathedral of Notre Dame or the palace of the Louvre; in Rome, ahead of the basilica of They are Peter or of the palace of the Quirinal. We can still cite thousand of cities as Reims, Rouen, Chartres, Colony where we see will be risen above of the surrounding casarios, the gticas cathedrals, that designate the apogee of the gtica architecture, landmark of the medieval city. But the fact is that rare today, a city as New York or So Paulo can in them transmit the reconfortante sensation tried by Marco Polo when visiting Dorotia. Thus, Pelbart observes: Rare a city today in the ones of this sensation, that to the times we search in a woman, a book, in a party, even so this if discloses to each day more rare: that it evokes a possible and still unknown world. He is not toa that all the described cities for Marco Polo take names of women, Zoe, Zemrude, Olvia, etc. Kublai Khan finishes discovering, throughout the time, what Marco Polo goes to search in these invisible cities, what it brings of them: ' ' it confesses what you smuggle: states of spirit, states of grace, elegias' '. Perhaps it is what, in closest, always let us search in a city, states of spirit, states of grace, you chose. But the Emperor also wants to know which city in the wait in the future, Utopia or Babilnia, the City of the Sun or that one of the Admirable New World, and laments that into the end of everything &#039 captivates; ' the infernal city, that is back in the deep one and that in them each time appears more in a vortex estreito' '.