Manchester United

In writing about this business, ecuador is pronounced and points out, that the multi-billion dollar business ball has grown exponentially from the hand of the technological progress of the last two decades. Improvements in satellite transmission and the creation of sports cable channels have greatly expanded audiences. For example, according to FIFA, the FIFA 2002 World tripled in viewers to Mexico 1986. The television boom opened a wide range of opportunities, including royalties for transmission rights.Far away were those days in which football was regarded almost exclusively as a sport, with huge follow-up and significance socially, characteristic that just opened his eyes to the entrepreneurs and turned it into a large volume of business generator.Just to get an idea of what this means financially we refer to a study by Deloitte, which points out that nine clubs stronger Europe (including Manchester United, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Milan) totaled income by about 842 million euros (105 million dollars) for the season 2003 – 2004 To the early 1990s, European clubs, led by Manchester United, realized that football as practice went beyond just winning titles, and began to behave like real advertising brands. They compete not only on the Court but also in sales.In Ecuador, this trend was gradually received by so-called traditional teams (Barcelona, Emelec and Liga), which since the 1990s began to pay exuberant salaries for the time to certain players. Those who lived the romantic era of football and are experiencing the current match in a thought: have been for souvenir pages those games of yesteryear where prevailing love t-shirt or the institution; those in which most worth the sweat that was left on the field of play to defend the colors of the team than the wage connoisseurs in the matter, as the ruling sport Galo Roggiero, Patricio Cornejo and Mauro Velasquez, analyse the phenomenon agree that the professionalization of football He brought with him the business of marketing. They see it favorably, but always and when this is reversed in benefits for the clubs. Patricio Corneja says that however, there are some objections to this crazy commercialization of football. Including points out that most players do not govern themselves, but will respond to the will of his advisors, who in his eagerness to make money, often cause economic gaps in the players.