If in Japanese territory the manifestation of the thought if coats with intrinsic character of responsibility, the media around of the world continues waiting the chance to inform degeneration happened human being (7) of the disruption of the physical structure of the Japanese nuclear plant. This hypothesis, is clearly, knows to be sufficiently possible to happen, logically it does not escape in them, not we seriamos ingenuous to such level, but the dosimtricos studies effected by the AIEA come corroborating day the day with our position of that the radiation is in a dangerous level, but will not be the capable to cause problems of health to the short local population nor, average or long stated period. (8) Alarming information to the part, the fact to be joined foods with modified levels of radiation of the other side of the country also, not necessarily, must be cause of alarm of the population (9). This because such levels do not try, at least until the moment, any problems of health to the consumers. All the levels measured until the moment, along with raised, do not try medicamentosa intervention or hospital some in the involved population. Happily we are not only voice in way to the current events. Richard Wakeford, epidemiologista of the university of Manchester assevera: The people are worried about what until the moment they are low levels of radioactivity, but the real problems are to deal with the earthquake and tsunami. As our rank in diverse chances: the panic generated for the nuclear question in Japan is deviating the attention of the authorities of a possible humanitarian crisis, that can more than involve the 500 a thousand people who are living in temporary shelters, that face rain, below-freezing snow and temperatures of in crowded gymnasia, temples and public schools and that they do not possess enough systems of heating, consequently, continue dying..