AWe will present an analysis of the Independence and bills of rights of Virginia, both of 1776, from the petition of rights of 1628 of England. We will deal with the rights ‘ ‘ inalienveis’ ‘ of the man, we will make a brief commentary on the sprouting of the rights of the man in the antiquity, as well as of the influence of the iluminismo and the English pioneirismo inside of this context. Finally we will deal with the legacy left for these documents and its influence in the American colonies and the current days. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Rights Freedom Independence. The individual rights of the men had appeared in old Egypt or the Mesopotmia.
The Code of Hamurabi was the first one to tell the common laws to the men, as to the life and the dignity. After that they appear in Greece the ideals of equality and freedom of man. However, it was the Roman law that established a relation between the individual rights and the State. The Law of the Twelve Boards, a creation Roman, was the written origin of the ideals of freedom and protection of the rights of the citizens. In 1628, the Petition of Right also mentioned important aspects of the individual rights and already in 1776, William Black Stone affirmed in its classics ‘ ‘ Commentaries on the laws of England’ ‘ that ‘ ‘ the idea and practical of this freedom politics or civilian (…) could only be lost for the madness or demerit of its titular’ ‘. To this height, it is clearly the influence of the thought, that made the equal men for the reason, that is necessary. Man’s rights must be maintained in the future though ongoing work.