4. Insurance a first riesgoa (art. 1056). – An agreement between the Parties shall enter casualty insurance, which provides that the insured does not bear any share or part of damage, except for damages exceeding the sum insured. Full Insurance. 5. Insurance value again.
– At the time of compensation, calculated the damage of the insured object as if it were new. Eg auto insurance agency. The accident, is compensated for the value as it was brought back from the agency to be able to buy another car with similar value. 6. Clause revaluation of capital. – Allow percentage annually reassess the value of the face amount of claims, based on a consumer price index. Eg house insurance.
The property value goes up, so proportionally, according to the economic index, raises the value of the sum insured. a Do they break the terms specified proportionality rule or principle compensation: 1. Tolerance Clause -> SI2. Compensation Clause capital -> NO3. Estimated Policy value or admitted -> SI4. First risk insurance -> No5. Insurance Value of New -> No6. Revaluation of capital clause -> NOA Transmission of interest of the insured (art. 1068) 1. Mortis causa. Death of the insured -> heirs or beneficiaries. They are responsible for the outstanding obligations of the insured origianl. (1068.1134, 1181) 2. Insolvency, bankruptcy, or creditor-> do not cause termination of the contract. 3. Inter vivos. Must be notified to the insurer, except insurance tranport. (And also in the SOAT) i, The omission of this notice results in the termination of a contract of insurance premium refund for time not run unless the insured have an insurable interest remain.