As example, the affirmation of the taste for the gtica architecture, that appeared in the half of century XVIII. ___________________ Pathos is a word Greek who means passion, excess, catastrophe, ticket, passivity, suffering and assujeitamento. The philosophical concept was brother-in-law for Discardings to assign everything what if it makes or it happens of new generally is called (by philosophers) of pathos. That one that was considered ruin, for the neoclssico concept, starts to have an only appreciation, taking taste for the desproporcionalidade and irregularity. The ruin is, then, appreciated accurately for its incompletude, for the signals that the inexorable time left to them. 5 EDMUND BURKE Are in England that comes to the treated most important light on the concept, a Philosophical Inquiry on the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime one and the Beauty, 1757, of Edmund Burke.
Burke presents the sublime one as a modality of ampler the aesthetic experience, found not only in literature. According to its definition, the nature of the sublime one becomes related it the infinite and, over all, to the feeling of the terror. Burke affirms not to be capable to explain the causes of the Sublime effect and Beautiful it, but the question that if places is: how can the terror be delighting? its reply is: ' ' when not threat very of perto' '. This means that pain and terror are cause of Sublime if they are not really harmful. It stops Burke, ' ' everything what it serves for, in some way, to excite the ideas of pain and danger or turns on terrible objects, or operates in analogous way to the terror, is origin of the sublime one; that is, he is .causing of the strongest emotion that the mind is capable of sentir' '. One of the first workmanships to emphasize the suggestion power as basic element for the imagination – ' ' the dark, confused and uncertain images, more than what those clear ones and determined, have on the fancy great a bigger power to form paixes' ' -, the treated one to Burke signals a distanciamento in relation to the classic and racionalistas ideas of the beginning of century XVIII, announcing concerns that would come to be explored by the romantismo.