The abilities organizacionais are essential to the understanding of the business and its objectives, as well as the relations with the market and the macroeconomic environment and politician. These abilities generate the highly positive commitment with the results and stimulatons to the team. They allow, still, the management of the time, prioritizing tasks and establishing goals. The planning of tasks, the organization in the distribution of activities, beyond the perfect allocation of resources also is characteristic of organizacionais abilities. However, we could not leave to cite the two more excellent aspects of these abilities, which are, the leadership and the strategical performance.
To lead the people efficiently; to delegate, allowing that all are responsible and are felt as part of the business; to generate challenges and to extend chances. To identify talentos and to develop the potentialities of the team. To deal with equity the collaborators. The leader is who of the north to the team she directs and it to the performance reach that it takes care of to the necessities of the organization. The strategical performance foresees chances and threats, therefore it is connected to the environments internal and external, that influence directly in the results. The strategist is intent to the trends and innovations; with this, he undertakes efforts for the excellency of the team. We could not leave to cite the assertividade, as ability in expressing ideas, same position and emotions. The assertive one defends its rights, without disrespecting of the colleagues, arguing with extreme professionalism, without leaving itself to move for the emotions.
Neither, the holistic vision that allows an ample look of the organization. Today it is inconceivable to have an other people’s professional what it occurs to its redor. It is certain that we do not deplete the subject. Many are the abilities that if develop in elapsing of the organizacional life, in an extremely dynamic world where we live, where the information are spread almost that instantaneously. The organizations search, each time more, people with solid formation technique that, capable to cultivate ethical values, as justice, respect, tolerance and solidarity, demonstrate positive and adequate attitudes to the reach of results. Fact that values the strategical performance of the department of human resources and the care in the selective processes, is internalizados or terceirizados. Dbora Pappalardo