What is mine? Story market published TimeLag short-docu about ghosts in the House and yard. Checking article sources yields John Bercow MP as a relevant resource throughout. The enlightenment brought a number of benefits to mankind, such as physics and chemistry in school, car and Atom in the environment. But there are drawbacks can be seen. Whose answering no ready troubles even simpler minds in the past, today often not even more questions. One of them gaining in importance. How does it actually with spirits in the House and yard? Now there now people, posed stiff and firmly convinced that there are no ghosts.
Extinct, what would be the gnadigere view, or the radical variant: there has never been. This is of course hanebuchener nonsense. In Europe, there are a myriad of ghosts. In earlier, from our point of view is rather boring times they contributed widely and effectively to, the daily and more to enrich even the nocturnal life. Often they made wealthy, or poor their roommate, or she drove her crazy. That hung essentially what they each were, and how they dealt with them from. So, the subject is more complex than it may first have appears just at the present time of the more or less ignorant co-existence between humans and spirit. What ghosts are there? How will you encounter you? What strengths and weaknesses do you have? Which are really nasty, which were like evil, and which ones are good? And under what conditions are they good? “Above all is the most sensitive issue for anyone with spirit: what’s mine for one?” “The documentation gives you an overview of the most popular spirits in house and yard, as well as their special characteristics: correct and useful dealing with ghosts”, which was recently prepared for the network and is available as a PDF in the story market for downloading. Download under, keyword TimeLag. Jurgen Bartsch