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The professional with the specialized formation appeared then. Today them organizations to be competitive will have that to produce more, to generate new prescriptions and to define expenses. The trend then is to reduce the personnels and to demand more produtividades of that to remain employed. But facing moments of greaters or minors conflicts in relations between used and employers, the challenge of the administration of the human resources and to keep the man power of the integrated, motivated and produced company. We will be able to cite with more details when they had been the periods of the management of the RH in Brazil: 1930 WORKING PRE-JURIDICO: economic depression, absence of legislation, simple tasks and instrumental elementary school; 1930/1950, BUREAUCRATIC: creation of labor law, routines of staff, notes, franquesia, payments wages; 1950/1960, TECNISISTA: industrial, textile, siderurgical, chemical development, first steps for the donation of routines of RH (R& H.

training); 1960/1980, SISTEMISTA: first positions of you manage in RH, emphasis in the program of training supported by the government, PAT, SESMT, first you practise of management participativas-CCO? s, shy programs of performance evaluation; 1980/1990, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ENTEGRADAS: syndical pressures, formation of leadership, models of management DOWSIZING REENGENHARIA; 1990 DEEP STRUCTURAL REFORMS: valuation of the human talentos, high speed, productivity, continuous learning, management of the information, knowledge, enterprise excellency, fusing of the organizations. CHIAVENATO (2003) appraises the RH as an area to interdisciplinar that it has the capacity of involves innumerable deriving concepts of some areas. For dealing directly with the human being, that is, individuals with different personalities or that it requires of any specialist in the area of human resources good experiences and a good volume of knowledge in different areas. IT HISSES (2002, p, 224), affirms that, the main managemental interest is to motivate the employees to reach the organizacionais objectives in an efficient and efficient way.