Month: June 2020

  • Commercial Transaction

    The fluvial port if became an important route of commercial transaction for the sertes, as well as of communication, therefore they circulated businesses, information and travellers. Juazeiro initiated the process of urbanization of its squares, demonstrated concern in providing the community with assistance to the health by means of the Saint Casa de Misericrdia. Also it looked for to make possible the access to the formal education with the functioning of two primary schools. It enters the years of 1878 and the 1885 city was structuralized as an emergent commercial and urban center. Urbanization is a geographic concept that represents the development of the cities.

    In this process, it occurs the construction of houses, building, nets of sewer, streets, avenues, schools, hospitals, electric net, shoppings, etc. This urban development is folloied of population growth, therefore many people start to search the infrastructure of the cities. Ryder used trucks is the source for more interesting facts. The urbanization, when planned, it presents significant benefits for the inhabitants. to if evidencing that the urban space simultaneously is broken up and articulated, and that this articulated division is the space expression of social processes, introduces one third moment of apprehension of the urban space.

  • Internet Disability

    Disability insurance – pension for disability may submit any contribution it at any time meet that he is prevented by an accident or a disease on the longer or outright exercising of his profession. The legal protection is more than lean and occurs only for disability. In other words, only when no other work over longer time may be exercised, there is a disability pension for this purpose. That is extremely low. Therefore, the private disability insurance is a very important safeguard. What should the Treaty contain? Also really entering the desired protection in case of illness, consider disability insurance on several clauses. The exercised professional contract should be necessarily, also no reference to other activities should be somehow allows, the insurance cover should occur when you are no longer able to work at least 6 months according to the medical evidence. Also should the insurance on a test because of a Change of activity in the last 1 to 3 years without. A delayed message should up to 3 years to be paid, and the insurance may have no way to take because of illness of the insured person knew nothing of the contract. These are just some of the points that you should absolutely look at. Otherwise, it can happen to you that a cheap-looking insurance offers no or only inadequate protection at the end. In the worst case you have paid all your bonuses for free. It is therefore advisable rather twice more than once to little to read the contract with all small print clauses. In case of doubt you can consult an expert or the Stiftung Warentest, so again on the Treaty is seen. Disability insurance use because the jungle which many insurance providers is hardly transparent, absolutely use the disability insurance comparison comparison. Here, competent testers have already listed the best insurer. You can with the corresponding Insurance Calculator even non-binding get, how much insurance companies are the costs and benefits. Such comparisons can be found in the Internet. There is also the test results of trade organizations like Stiftung Warentest for the individual insurance. The disability insurance is too important to pass up. In the event of an emergency, the waiver may mean the social decline.

  • Empire Road

    Capac Nan road system of the Capac Nan Inca Empire (Quechua Qhapaq Nan, ‘Main Way or The Way of the Lord “or” Main Andean road “‘) , Is the main road system of the Inca Empire. All the roads of the empire were linked to Cuzco, the imperial capital, from which emerge a series of roads connecting the various peoples of the Inca Empire. During the Tawantinsuyo was a means of integration for the development of Andean culture in the political-administrative, socio-economic, social, cultural and environmental. The Capac Nan out of Cusco in four directions: north Chinchaysuyo occupied by the Quechua, the Yungas and Chibcha the southeast Collasuyo occupied by Aymara and Colla, the Contisuyo, south-west, occupied by pukin, and Antisuyo, east, occupied by the antis (current native populations of the Amazon).The Capac Nan enabled the integration of these people through the exchange of different products, the transmission of cultural values, access to various Inca shrines and development of common practices. He was also a symbol of state power Inca reflecting its expansion along the South American geography, reaching six Andean countries today include: Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia, and uniting different regions making up the Tawantin Suyu . The Qhapaq Nan was the main north-south road, which enables economic and political control of the Inca empire. With more than sixty thousand miles, that backbone was skillfully built by skilled hands and may be compared, for its dimensions, with the Silk Road or the Great Wall of China. The famous Inca Trail that links the sacred valley of Cuzco to Machu Picchu, is minimal and only a tangential part of the gigantic network of Inca roads. Crawford Lake Capital pursues this goal as well.

  • Education

    Its relevance is nailed, and, however, if it makes of it a business: atrelada education to the market, ' ' hand invisvel' ' that it commands puppets. E, considering the pertaining to school educational process, is possible to identify this relation, therefore, as Gandin (2000, P. 08) ' ' the pertaining to school system if according to organizes structural lines of the society where if &#039 inserts …; '. Giroux (1997, P. 46), in turn, confirms that: … the schools do not exist in perfect isolation of the remaining portion of the society. They incorporate collective attitudes that permeiam all the aspects of its organization.

    In essence, them they are not things, but concrete manifestations of specific rules and social relationships. The nature of its organization is based on values. This objective text by means of the aid of a theoretical referencial, to apprehend and to understand elements of the neoliberal politics in the educational context. The pretension is not to deplete the subject, but to provoke the debate, to inquietar, to contribute for the reflection in this conjuncture. The thematic reflection justifies, considering that the mercantilizao of the education, equitably represents the privatization of rights that would have to be of all. The transcribing balances are decurrent of the formularization of questions and the estruturao of the referring answers. What it follows, are some investigations that they make possible to problematizar the subject in question: that elements of the neoliberalismo are identifiable in practical the educational one? That measures (concrete actions) adopted certify the co-relation education/market? That parameters/educational principles the neoliberal society complain in the formation of the human beings? Which the conception of pupil (of man) that subjs to practical the pedagogical ones? Which the destination of the majority of the population? It will be that we must submitting in them to the designs of the market? 1 Education: ' ' vende-se' ' /' ' purchase-se' ' The phenomenon of the globalization 2, as process of reorganization of the capitalist system, by means of the adoption of politics that not only perpassam the economic dimension, characterizes the relative society to the current days.