It confers below, factors that when added they impactam positively in the results and the delivery of the organizacionais talentos. 1 – Leadership – the performance of the leader next to its team is basic, so that the attainment of results appears not only as a to be reached goal, but yes as a challenge that allows the led ones to understand that moment that they live deeply it is a development chance. In this direction, the necessary leadership to bring I obtain and to place in practical abilities mannering techniques and. 2 – Valuation – When the person who carries through a good work, of the optimum one of itself and surpasses the expectations of what even though it he was requested, many times, to continue in that accented rhythm of motivation waits, at least, that its effort is recognized. It has organizations that they possess politics of gratuities, but nor always the remuneration is enough to motivate the professional. Test of this, is that many companies already had evidenced that a basket of attractive benefits, for example, is not enough to hold back a talent. The valuation also exists that if discloses through the verbal recognition or of one feedback, since that given for the well lead manager and either.
3 – Dialogue – Unhappyly companies exist who think that a good politics of internal communication if makes through an unilateral process. However, she is not only enough to repass information through internal canals no matter how hard these have the endorsement of the high direction and an attractive appearance. So that she has a process efficient it is indispensable to listen what the professionals think. Beyond the internal canals, the corporative communication also if fortifies for the relationship face the face, very excellent situation for the good agreement between leader-led. 4 – Team – it does not have who obtains ' ' carregar' ' alone and in its ' ' costas' ' a company.