Month: July 2016

  • Childrens Health Insurance

    The supplementary insurance for children especially on the conditions most when children in Germany are covered by the statutory health insurance of their parents. To offer a best possible medical care to the children in the event of illness, many parents for the next generation make a children supplementary health insurance. For example, in the hospital, this offers accommodation on the Privatstation or in a single room, the Chief Physician treatment or additional services for dentures, spectacles, contact lenses and the practitioner. In the selection of the appropriate fare parents but especially on the insurance conditions should make sure because hide is there significant differences in performance among the insurers. The private supplementary insurance for children is very inexpensive compared to the offerings for adults – -. His child, you can secure an optimal medical care in case of sickness for around eight euros per month.

    However, the contract with a private health insurance must be completed prior to a hospital. Otherwise, can an application for the additional insurance be rejected. Parents should take care therefore in time the additional insurance, then, if the child is healthy. As so often in insurance, the devil is in the detail. In this case, the insurance terms and conditions of individual insurers.

    Particularly important criteria fully comply with only the very few insurers. Reimbursement of costs above the fees for doctors? While the single room and the Chief Physician treatment of supplementary insurance as standard equipment, it becomes critical for particularly difficult treatments with the insurance. Just when a complicated surgery in the hospital must be carried out, the question about what sets the doctor settles arises. Often, the specialists write an invoice which is situated above the ceilings of the schedule of fees. They must of course also this. It would be optimal if the private children supplementary health insurance in such cases takes over the charge, if the accounts of the Maximum rates of fees also goes.

  • Ornithosis

    Ornithosis (ORNITHOSIS) etiology. Ornithosis caused by a group of filterable viruses, biologically and immunologically similar to a virus of psittacosis (psittacosis). The causative agent of ornithosis refers to a group of large viruses. Up to 2 years of virus remains active in the frozen state at a temperature of 4-4 concentrated suspensions do not lose their infectivity within 10-20 days. Most sensitive to experimental infection are white mice, distributed among domestic and wild birds. The source of infection for humans may be about 60 species of birds are doves, ducks, chickens, turkeys, piggy, goldfinches, puffins, pheasants, white chicks, orioles and many others. Jon S. Speelman understood the implications. The disease in birds manifested in the refusal of food, emaciation, diarrhea, mucous discharge from the appearance of the nose, eyes, ruffled feathers.

    Pneumonia in birds is not observed. In the epidemiology of ornithosis for human pose greater danger Birds of virus whose disease does not manifest itself clinically. Isolation of virus from the body of sick birds to the environment goes along with the faeces and saliva. A person usually becomes infected through contact with sick birds. Atrium as in birds and in humans are mainly the respiratory tract, in which the infection enters by inhalation of dust contaminated with dried feces and saliva, as well as dust, sick cough. It should also be emphasized that the disease from person to person very rarely passed.

    Ornithosis, is usually found among those who have contact with birds, but because the disease is often is professional in nature. It is distributed mainly among the workers of poultry farms, poultry farms, pet shops, zoological gardens, as well as in families where the containing various species of birds, including pigeons. Disease ornithosis occurs throughout the year, but more often in spring and summer months. Children parrot disease more frequently than in adults, occurs in abortive forms. Ornithosis occurs in different countries, especially prevalent in America, Japan, Australia and England.

  • Warrick William Shakespeare

    It is pleasant to live to me if you I'm like a candle, its light will give. W. Shakespeare. "Pericles" We are lights the sky, as we – the torch – light to others. W. Shakespeare.

    "Measure for Measure," presented in the epigraph Shakespeare's words suggest that, in fact, the burden Shame misunderstanding the author of these words lies all the nations of the world. But for all the peoples of the world, except the people of English, this burden is alleviated mediocrity transfers, in which those nations with the works of Shakespeare are introduced. So people who can not read the works of Shakespeare in the language of their author, and do not have to accurately and completely to find out what kind of light carrying people to Shakespeare, even if they wanted to do this by understanding what Goethe in his article on Shakespeare wrote: "… that he says by the mouth of his characters." But it's still here and that is probably all over the world, none of the readers of "Pericles" and "Measure for Measure," including most of Goethe, do not bother to listen to in the epigraph above words of these pieces of the voice of one crying to him by Shakespeare. And yet, though for all the peoples of the world, except the people of English, this burden is eased, it is not removed from them entirely, as evidenced by are quite clear Warrick words in the first scene of Act III the second part of the chronicle, "Henry IV: Is there life for all people a procedure that the last days of nature reveals. Realizing it can anticipate each, with the immediate goal, coming events, a hundred not born yet, but lurking in the depths of this as seeds, seeds of things. They sit out and grow their future. And the immutability of the laws could guess Richard suggesting that by changing it, Northumberland not stop evil seed and flower betrayal of the worst spawn …

    (translated by E. Birukovoy somewhat doctored by the author of the article) In fact, in all following his works, including sonnets, it is difficult to understand for people who read these works in translation, but what centuries after the writing of these works would have to be understood, seen, heard by the English, reduced to explaining the meaning of these words Warrick. Author's desire to learn, can ever be washed from the British Shame misunderstanding of the above, makes him give them (the British) by the opportunity to show all the peoples of the world, a world Shakespeare, like Danko, bore them. Russian readers of this miniature is probably enough suggest that the mouth of Warrick William Shakespeare suggested that they begin to draw conclusions from the eternal truth of interdependent co-existence of elements of the past, present and future in every Mige being and existence of people whose loyalty their life, directly or "contradiction" as Northumberland, proves every person without exception. It is useful to see that the conclusions of the true reasons are always the conclusions of this scientific and logical, that manifested in the inevitability of the consequences of misunderstanding and not following them. "The path of the wicked – as darkness: they know not what they stumble" (app.1, 19). So people do not care, sooner or later, will see the light of Shakespeare. And, respectively, the largest, indelible disgrace awaits England when they see it's too late, and last.