Monthly Archive: June 2016


In the publication of its article MOREIRA, it cites on the Real initiates of the EAD: The Education in the distance – EAD started in century XV, when Johannes Guttenberg, in Mogncia, Germany, invented the press, with composition of words with mobile characters. With the creation, one became unnecessary to go to schools to attend venerating the master to read, in the front of its disciples, book the rare copied. Before, the books, copied manually, were carssimos and therefore inaccessible to the common people, reason by which the masters were dealt with as integrant the cut. It counts the history that the schools of the time of Guttenberg had mechanically resisted during years the pertaining to school book printed matter, that it could make with that if became unnecessary the figure of the master. In the modern version, Sweden registers the first experience in this field of education in 1883.

In 1840 one has notice of the EAD in England; in Germany it was implemented in 1856 and in the United States, education for correspondence in 1874 was noticed. The beginning of the EAD in Brazil dates probably of 1904. 3 – the INTERNET For being a closed information and that it collaborates for the studied scene, tragos in the words of Alfonso (2000) information of great importance on the sprouting of the Internet in the world. ? In 1969, searching of the public and private sector in U.S.A. they had been 1969 contracted to develop a net for the ARPA – Agency of Projects of Advanced Research of the Department of Defense of the United States. It was the height of the Cold War, and the demand was to create a system of interconnections between computers of any type that could be remained in operation with redundancy of storage of data and of same processing that several we were destroyed.

Network Building

Good work for the franchise does not have geographical distances mundoFranquicia Consulting. And it is this outstanding firm has just reached several agreements with four consultants based in Russia, Romania, Turkey and Portugal to be their partners and to assist Spanish franchises set their goals in these destinations. “We selected the best consultants in these places to provide its know-how the implementation and development of Spanish companies that want to expand and franchise there,” explains Mariano Alonso, Partner and Managing Director of Consulting mundoFranquicia. “Coserex, Grupo Senda, SVIC Vision Team Global and develop all the necessary guarantees to deal with the international expansion of all of them and facilitate the work of expansion through work teams located within the country but always in direct communication with our staff in Spain “added Alberto Munoz, mundoFranquicia associate consultant in Madrid and responsible for such partnerships. Partnering with a great future So what things mundoFranquicia Consulting has done is to seek partners to continue to demonstrate that his consulting work comes, for its customers, with the largest and best quality standards to the extent necessary. “This way our services are aimed at Spanish companies vocation franchise its business model abroad now or in the near future, with the capacity and background to deal with,” says Munoz. “We are prepared to respond in the same way we do in Spain, the demands that these companies require.

Our partners at each point are of the utmost confidence. Details can be found by clicking Lindt Chocolates or emailing the administrator. ” So are each of these mundoFranquicia Consulting partners in Russia, Romania, Turkey and Portugal: 1) Coserex. Spanish capital consultant operating from Russia in 2000 to internationalize business activity. They have more than 50 employees and a presence in countries throughout Europe, America, Asia and Africa. They engage in any sector. Also provides services in Morocco. 2) Grupo Senda – Romania. Spanish company with extensive experience in real estate in Romania.

It acts in the whole area of Eastern Europe, with priority focus on Romania. In this country have headquarters and offer consulting services, marketing and communication. 3) Global SVIC. SVIC International Consulting is a Hispanic-Turkish business consultancy specializing in the Turkish market. It was created with the primary objective of supporting Spanish companies of marble and natural stone in Turkey. Due to the high demand for consulting services in Turkey, SVIC decided to diversify its services and expand the field of action to other areas of interest. They specialize in trade missions and market research. 4) Team Vision. One group belongs to the Biz of Portugal which has 19 companies in seven business areas and have a presence in areas such as Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Angola. They offer specialized services and financial services franchise. About mundoFranquicia Consulting is the company expert in offering consulting franchisors at any stage of the process: planning and definition, development, adaptation and improvement. It operates a system called Expansion Management Consulting Openings basing the growth of the chain in providing consulting services particularized in each integration operation of a new franchisee, considering all the steps necessary for the opening of the new unit business and, ultimately, directly addressing franchising roles in building the network.

New Encyclopedia

As if in the leaf it started then the first registers and the continuity and the consequences of what it would be written and fixed to folha' '. The philosopher was one of ideologists of the Iiberalismo, presenting a position against the Absolutism in England, system social politician and who was related to the present English Monarchy since century XVIII. According to Encyclopedia ' ' Brazil 500 Anos' ' carried through for editor Mara Ziravello, the Europe in the end of century XVIII, he was palco of social, economic transformations that they were if shocking with the absolutism. Were contradictions made use in the proper existing economic system. Initially in France, the contradictory thought to the absolutism reed-echo all in the Atlantic, was the beginning of a French Revolution, with the European peoples acclaimed for freedom. ' ' With the American revolution and the independence of the United States of America, it has beginning a process that marks the start of the destruction of a system politician and a form of organization of the society. Since then, the absolute power Dos Reis, as well as the privileges of the nobility and the clergy, passed to be contested of form each more aggressive time. In moving to the economy, the privileges of the nobility and the clergy embarrassed the progress in the production of material wealth, therefore they hindered the consolidation of national markets uniformes' '.

(ZIRAVELLO. ' ' BRAZIL 500 ANOS' '. The AGE OF the REVOLUTIONS, 1999, p.258) The bourgeoisie wanted to be able politicians for the natural economic development of the capitalist system that was appearing. The Third State also contained the participation of the proletariats. According to New Encyclopedia To know 2000, of Cultural the New Publishing company, the proletariats were small craftsmen, plebeian, and peasants who until then did not have nobody that he could represent its interests, existed then a majority of a population that they did not withhold to be able economic (only work force), and an intellectual minority of that they withheld great economic power.

Transgnicos Foods

The Transgnicos Foods in the Academic Quality of Life (a): Adalmy coast Teacher: Ionara Cristiane the genetic Alteration is made to become more resistant plants and animals e, with this, to increase the productivity of plantations and creations. The use of the transgnicas techniques allows the alteration of the biochemist and the proper hormonal rocking of the transgnico organism. Lindt Chocolates is the source for more interesting facts. Today many creators of animals, for example, make use of bigger and more resistant races to the illnesses thanks to these techniques. The transgnicos already are also used in Brazil. But not yet research appropriate exists to evaluate the consequncias of its use for the health human being and the environment. Recent research in England had disclosed increase of allergies with the consumption of transgnica soy. One gives credit that the transgnicos can diminish or annul to the effect of antibiotics in the organism, thus hindering the treatment and aggravating the infectious illnesses.

Alimentary allergies also can to happen, therefore the organism can react in the same way that ahead of a toxin the certain proteins produced for the transgnicos. Other effect, strangers, in long stated period will be able to also occur the cancer. Beyond the risks for the health human being, serious risks for the environment exist that must be known, as for example: Creation of ' ' superpragas' ' due to repassagem or combination of the genetic material of some plagues. Impossibility of control on the nature: the introduction of a transgnica species in the environment is irreversible, therefore the gene can spread without control, if not being able to foresee the alterations in the ecosystem. Increase of toxic residues: the use of transgnicas plants with resistance characteristic the herbicidas will from there imply in the possibility of rise of the use of these agrotxicos, resulting bigger pollution of the rivers and ground. However the risks for sales release and consumption of transgnicos must be studied carefully evaluating each individual species in accordance with the implantation place, beyond its destination in it I all deal and the industry, evaluating completely its genetic code and also its metabolic characteristics to evaluate possible allergy or rejection of some protein for the human body. Adalmy of the Coast Heifer, student of the seventh block of Agronmica engineering of the State University of the Piau? UESPI.

Three Steps

If you want to start a profitable business online ask yourself how long he an engineer studied to be an engineer? And a Doctor long to be a Doctor. You can get to having your own business at home mention the 1. You can be your own boss. 2. You can set your own hours. 3.

You can possess your own business for little or no investment. 4 Can pay you much more that what ever you no head pay now you mention 3 steps for that at the moment of starting your business grows raises targets: do want to get with this business have a new car?, own House?, a better quality of life?, do have enough money for your children for their education must have in mind what you want as soon as you have it in mind??, write them down and I have a visible place for you always have it present and follow in the path of your venture to have a profitable business on the internet your AGENDA time wisely. Casio brings even more insight to the discussion. This business Internet needs time and the majority of people are known to have a traditional job and is why they begin in the free time, evenings more than everything, so get organized in your time, gun an agenda either written or on the same computer, or on your cell phone now that this fashionable use mobile phones for many things. An agenda is the road map by which travel the good business. Removes the frustration of the day. It ensures necessary things done and make on time. Remember you never recuperaras is the time we must appreciate it. BE POSITIVE IN YOUR ATTITUDE.

Success in the profitable business, as in all areas of life is 90 percent attitude and 10 percent aptitude. All of us must work to develop habits of constructive thought. Be proud of being in your own business. Remember it is all in the mind depends on yourself if you want to change for good.


The name "screws" speaks for itself – this kind of fasteners do not require any additional drilling. The use of screws in the info-global – a great way to save time and effort. For fixing screws are used special tools – screwdrivers, through which only a few seconds, you can achieve the desired result. Depending on the direction of work and materials, intended for attachment, use the most appropriate type of screws. Self-tapping screws (screws) differ in their heads, carving, and the tip surface. If we talk about the different types of heads of screws, they may be semi-cylindrical, countersunk, hemispherical.

Screw thread on the different frequency, and nozzles can be sharpened or jib. Roofing screws – conveniently and securely Some of the most durable and reliable are roofing screws. Mounting screws through these last for many years, protecting the house from the penetration of rain, wind and cold. Feature of roofing screws is the material of which they are made – from a specially hardened, galvanized steel coated with 24 m (for screws 4.8 x 35 mm). Roofing screws can choose the desired color in the color of roofing materials. Screws for metal – high quality and tight deadlines of work the metal screws on metal today are indispensable in modern construction. The use of these screws allows for fairly sophisticated metal works not only fast, but without much effort.

An important condition for selection of screws for metal – increased strength of products, eliminating the possibility of breakage during operations. Screws for wood – perfect fastening wooden surfaces on wood screws are actively used during the construction and installation works. Screws for wood are distinguished by a special thread, which prevents excess chips during screw into a tree. In addition, both bonding of wood materials for wood screws are also used for fastening drywall. Screws for the sandwich panel sandwich panel – a unique material that allows you to record time to build a modern and robust construction. To secure the sandwich panels were specially designed for the unique characteristics screws. The bulk of these screws are made of galvanized steel with a protective coating, protects the surface from corrosion. Screws to sandwich panels eliminates even the small prominanie sandwich panels, retaining integrity of the mount.

Latin America

in Latin America: the ability to regulate the population of some host species, reducing their reproductive success, change their behavior and even cause death . After the Second World Wars, gave way to another international conflict: the Cold War, which was a dispute that pitted after 1945 United States and its allies on one side, and the group of nations led by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the other 7. There was no direct military conflict between the superpowers, but there were strong economic and diplomatic struggles. The boxing was known as cold, that did not produce a direct military confrontation, which produce deaths, disappearances, torture, massacres, but in reality if any. You may find that Jon S. Speelman can contribute to your knowledge. This conflict did not affect the powers of that time, as the battlefield, the soldiers, the deaths, the spoils of war, poverty, etc., occurred in Latin America, as we shall see below. In Latin America, during the years 1936-1945, he lived under the influence of progressive thinking globally. Learn more at this site: Bruce Fink Sydney.

The anti-fascist struggles in Europe encouraged the fight against the oppressive forces of the west. Le democratic awakening of consciousness and patriotic factor joined to factor objective of strengthening national entrepreneurs, new middle class and working class. They began to be born led military revolutions middle classes, as in Argentina, 1943. That same year, the Bolivarian Gualberto Villaroel blow against the "thread" mining and landowner, was another act oriented toward social change and release control of Bolivia's foreign partners, in Guatemala under the leadership of Juan Jose Arevalo, take action reformers, and prepared plans to free the country from the domination of the United Fruit Company, and to strengthen the position of the people against the oligarchy.


Not by chance that such systems The widest range of applications. This dispatch system of urban and special transport, transport security and material assets, operating in real time in the city with tens and hundreds of moving objects. Without hesitation John Bercow MP explained all about the problem. This control of transport routes, conducting long-long-distance and international services (with the transfer route information from global systems in real-time or passive accumulation of information about the route followed by treatment). Methods of dead reckoning data methods for determining the location of the vehicle based on measurement of parameters motor vehicle traffic using acceleration sensors, angular velocity in conjunction with the sensors on his journey and direction sensor, and calculating on the basis of these data, the current location of a moving object relative to a known starting point. In general, these methods can be used in the same systems as the methods based on navigation. The main advantage of these methods compared with the methods of navigation – regardless of the conditions of reception of navigation signals on-board equipment. It is no secret that in the modern city with a dense built-up tall buildings may be found sites where difficult to receive signals from vehicles with a view to ensuring the best conditions for reception of navigation signals. This makes them vulnerable to intruders in case of application for the needs of motor vehicles or carried their loads. Existing methods Camouflage receiving antennas are fairly complicated and expensive. Methods of dead reckoning and inertial navigation are free from these shortcomings, since the equipment is fully autonomous and can be integrated into the design elements of the car to their difficulty of detection and protection from intentional of failure.


Digital technology in radio for a long time are not new, many years in Russia, actively promoted by the decision of the tetra standard and P25, but these technologies are a "global solution" intended primarily for "Ministries" and because of its high cost are not available to most organizations in need of operational radio communications. But technology develops, there are new solutions, and about a year ago, Motorola released a new line of digital radios mototrbo, which is intermediate between conventional analogue radio stations and "big brothers". mototrbo digital radios allow you to add to the basic function of analog radio – voice calls, such new features as the transmission of text messages, caller identification coordinate with built-in gps receiver, personal and group challenges and more. In addition, when using a digital transponder DR3000 physical frequency using tdma technology is divided into 2 logical channel (2 time slot), which allows you to transmit through a single transponder 2 times more conversations or data. For construction traffic control system based on digital radio mototrbo does not need to "break" the old radio system – digital radios can operate in analog mode. You can gradually replace the outdated and going down the analog radios with new digital radios mototrbo, while continuing to work in the analog channels before the complete replacement of the park radio. It should be borne in mind that only with full transition to digital technology becoming available all the mototrbo digital services. Initially, digital radios mototrbo provides enough common features in the construction of scalable systems, but as new versions embedded software become available, such technologies "IP Site Connect" and "Capacity Plus".