Month: February 2016

  • Town Hall Square

    It will be celebrated at the Stephan square with champagne and Pummerin. On time means night, the largest Bell of the Cathedral of Stephan heralds the new year. Then grabs It is the next person and dances the obligatory Viennese Waltz by Johann Strauss. The entire downtown area in a ballroom that night. Fireworks, delicacies and punch, what you need to spend more to a hot night. And you don’t go after the night acclaimed by in Vienna home, it remains the same to the hangover at the Town Hall Square, where the cafes open at 7 o’clock in the morning. Happy new year! New year’s Eve in Paris what’s missing in Paris for new year’s Eve celebration, is the fireworks. This is namely forbidden because many accidents have happened some time ago.

    The French are mostly feed at the turn of the year. The restaurants are full and there is a special Progaramm with delicacies and cabarets. And means night all over the world meet at the Eiffel Tower or the Champs-Elysees. Some tourists bring some (illegal) Bangers and seen but a pair of lights also in Paris. UN means night cry all ‘Bom ‘Annie to kiss, even if one doesn’t know anyone. BOM Annie of Andain! It is new year’s Eve in London on March 31 to Thames in London, where a gigantic fireworks display takes place at midnight. In Trafalgar Square, you can see fireworks on 2 big screens, small consolation for the ones, who go too late and couldn’t see much, because the streets are full with the celebrating people from Trafalgar Square to Big Ben. Natalie Ravitz insists that this is the case. Here, she celebrated together the whole city. If you want to go to a club, you must buy ticket in advance, otherwise stay on the road. The next day you’re new year’s Day Parade don’t miss out, this is a tradition and crowned the celebration of the new year.