Month: April 2015

  • EXPO London

    UK subsidiary SEH technology shows new USB virtualization and personal printing solutions Bielefeld, September 27, 2011 SEH SEH technology, the British subsidiary of the Bielefeld network specialists, for the first time among the exhibitors of this year’s IP EXPO in London. On October 19th and 20th shows see its wide range of myUTN USB virtualization solutions including a novelty: the versatile myUTN-120 SDCardserver. The device has a SD card reader to access SD card via the network, as well as a USB port for the USB virtualization. For the product line myUTN include SEH myUTN USB device server for controlling almost all USB devices over the network, as well as the special solution myUTN – 80 Dongleserver. This enables the efficient management of USB license dongle via the network.

    Also, interested visitors can inform themselves on the TV stand G32 SEH solutions via the print management solution ThinPrint and the ThinPrint staff printing of Cortado. IP Expo, the only British IT fair for end-to-end infrastructure with the Topics focused on virtualization, IP networks, cloud, wireless, storage and security issue IT greats such as Cisco, HP, Microsoft, and VMware. TV shows for the first time his myUTN-120 SDCardserver, the novelty of the myUTN series by SEH Intelligent USB-device virtualization and management via the network. With the myUTN-120 users via a secure point to point network connection have access to data to an SD card. USB solutions for desktop virtualization and SBC myUTN brand of television include USB device server for all network types. Thus, users on almost all types of USB devices via a secure point-to point connection will have access through the network and can release in the connection again for colleagues. This allows the location-independent use of USB devices over the network and helps to reduce the cost of these devices. The myUTN-mark also special solutions such as the new myUTN-120 SDCardserver and the Dongleserver myUTN-80 belong to a safe for up to eight USB-software-Lizenzdongles Course offers and makes it available over the network.

  • Ritz London Hotel

    Anonymous quality check of the magazine ‘Top hotel’ reveals some of the great weaknesses of recent Hotel test from top hotel at the Ritz London surprised even experienced Hotel experts, because the anonymous quality check of the experienced tester of the hotel fell with the overall satisfactory unexpectedly negative hotel of the world for the leading. What a gem could be the Ritz in London, but turn it many staff in level, the conclusion. Especially disappointed the tester of the hotel the guest rooms: musty, rubbish under the bed and some more annoyances. Behind the facade shows not only scratches, but revealed huge cracks, such as in particular the guest room 105″, so the test report. Also, there is a humdrum much too often bordering on sloppiness in many places.

    The housekeeping is not the only example of this. A large part of the male employees has yet to learn, guaranteeing a uniform alone does no good performance.” But there is also positive news from the Ritz: so “” the reservations received a very good “and also the gourmet restaurant Ritz” could score points for the tester. Are linked to some negative examples are as was the breakfast buffet or the floor both with deficient”rated. “The disappointment of the tester of the hotel was great, because as overall rating was for this elite and equally costly House a very good” been expected. “That instead precisely and only the public toilets with the best grade world class ‘ rated can be, needs no further comment.” “” The test results at a glance: (Max: 100 points per criterion) book – 91 check-in – 47 rooms 105 – 14 bath – 67 message transfer – 84 room – 38 afternoon tea – 41 breakfast buffet – 21 restaurant Ritz “-80 Rivoli bar” – 40 banquet – 89 floor breakfast – 37 housekeeping – 32 safety aspects – 80 corridors/lifts/stairs – 96 outdoor – 60 wellness/fitness – 41 Shoe cleaning service – 84 check-out – 31 lost & found – 81 “Overall impression – 52 (100-81 very good; 80-61; 60-41 satisfying; 40-21 deficient; 20-0 insufficient) the detailed test report appears in the issue of April from top hotel” and can be seen in the Online Edition at.

    The service checks be carried out always anonymously and on their own account. The reports are the constructive criticism and enjoy a high reputation in the international hotel management and industry experts. Last in the test were the Westin Leipzig (58 out of maximum 100 points), Kempinski Hotel Gravenbruch Frankfurt (36 points), hotel Fahrhaus Sylt (67 points) and Vila Vita Hotel & rose Park Marburg (62 points). Top hotel is the renowned journal for the hotel management in Germany. The magazine published ten times a year in the leisure-Verlag, Landsberg, a company of Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt (VHB). The widespread circulation is 20,000 copies.

  • Sightseeing In London

    Tips about planning for London visits that British World metropolis of London is a city, which on a long and very moving story can look back. Long time, during the British Empire, even the fate of the world were directed from London. This fact is certainly one of the reasons why the metropolis has London at the present time many attractions countless fascinating and might therefore, London is the most helpful and interesting city in Europe. London can enjoy as compared to other European capitals every year about the highest number of visitors. Because the Olympics are held in the next year in London, is indeed to be expected, this London hype will not only continue, but should be increased even more. What is now but, if you would like to take a city trip to London? As London is not only a very fascinating city is, but for tourists, only a few are unfortunately also a fairly expensive city, People are able to realize a very long stay in the British capital.

    Therefore, it is very important to plan stay in advance of the trip, at least a large part of the individually most interesting attractions London to experience or see a London. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to inform travel to thoroughly over the city and the sights in the run-up to the London to virtually create a kind individual priority list. Such information can be found at the present time enough in the Internet, as for example on the page: “London attractions”. Inform you however should be possible using multiple information sources, say various Internet sites. If one has picked out some individual London attractions, you should make also a route planning, not to spend too much time in transport and to be able to devote this time better then the sights and attractions. Also such Nowadays of course, you can perform route planning with the help of the Internet. Who considered above tips, is certainly not only efficiently can make his stay in the metropolis of London, but also can enjoy. Finally everything good is you want all readers of this article, that would take a London trip any time soon, for this holiday. Gunter Dehne

  • Christmas In England – Language Christmas Singing

    The perfect excuse to escape the Christmas hustle and bustle: Learn English in England. A hand of full of good schools has opened the doors over the Christmas period and new year. For city lovers, there are English courses in London and Edinburgh. The Christmas program at a British College with own accommodation is very recommended. Quiet and introspective is celebrated on the South coast of England. On holidays they spared however by the irregular verbs. At Christmas – and Boxing Day one learns indirectly, such as at the traditional Christmas pantomime, a spectacle with lively audience participation. Or training his listening skills at the Carol Concerts, the British Christmas music.

    Lush feasted is on Christmas day. The traditional Christmas dinner consists of crispy in the oven roasted Turkey with Walnut stuffing, roast potatoes and Brussels sprouts, Cranberry Compote, in bacon wrapped sausage and a spicy sauce. For dessert, a Christmas pudding, a formula follows rich in soaked Dried fruit and flambeed with brandy is to expel the evil spirits. There is only on the first day of Christmas, the Christmas day”gifts. Also the second day of Christmas is celebrated solemnly and especially culinary. Also, his name Boxing Day comes not because not fistfights here, but the custom to treat the staff of the noble houses with Christmas presents (boxes”). This English courses are slightly more expensive than language courses to other seasons, since host families receive a fee for the opulent meals as well as the teachers get a Christmas surcharge. There are offers from about 1000 pounds for two weeks (1270 euros). For more information around the topic of English courses and language courses like explains Daniel Baruch and his team on the phone.

  • Victorian England

    The Man elephant is the type of history that shocks for its apparent fancy to have been reality. Of a form extremely circus David Lynch he counts to the history of Joseph Merrick, English, born in Leicester in 1862, that for congenital defects he completely presented disfigured fisionomia, remembering the skin excess that has in the face of the elephants. In full Victorian England, Joseph is portraied as a slave of its physical condition and through it he presents yourself in shows of horrors to survive. The great overturn in the life of the protagonist if of when the Dr. Treves interpreted for. the Hopkins knows that obtains to give legitimacy to scientific conflict humanitarian X certainly lived by the doctor when coming across itself with Merrick.

    Jhon Hurt interprets the Man Elephant and in a completely postural effort revive the drama of the protagonist. The excess of maquiagem to leave it similar to forced it to Merrick to find a balance between movement, speaks and to look at to compensate the face plastered for the artificial enxertos that had helped to characterize the personage. With base in this Hurt triad humanity to the terrifying figure developed an impressive interpretation giving that exhibited. David Lynch in extremely efficient way shows the reality of the emergencies of the British hospitals in the end of century XIX, contextualizando the poverty and lack of perspective of great part of the population in the age of Jack, the Estripador. The photograph in black person and white backwards airs of German expressionismo to the film, therefore in films as Nosferatu and the Cabinet of the Dr. Calegari the subject freak was recurrent to explain buzzes and vampires trying to interact with human beings. Under this deep cloth of, Lynch it goes counting to the existencial drama of the said Man Elephant, that although seen as an aberration is human and tries to interact with the members of its species.

    The fact of the film to only have been established in the real history of Merrick (it has stories of researchers that points a bigger autonomy of Joseph under its proper life) does not eliminate the latent scienter of the plot, that is, to relegate humanity to a member physically dislocated of the humanity. When Joseph uncovers itself that it is capable to read, to produce art, to feel taste for the company of the people, is verified that the conflict animal-human being exists only in the physical appearance of the personage who obtains to express its sensible humanity in full way. From this, with much subtility, Lynch illustrates the animalesca brutality of the human beings ' ' perfeitos' ' physically that they are used to advantage of the defect of Joseph to have fun themselves perversely and to gain money. In this direction the expectador if questions on who really would be the animal? One human being with the disfigured body, but, that possua an immense compassion and capacity to pardon to all to be accepted or a carrier of normal physicist, but that it keeps an interior brutal animal as some contemporaries of Merrick as Jack, the Estripador?

  • In England

    “” “At seat”, square, foot,”stay” and bring “as basic obedience declared and every dog owner seeks, that his dog regularly and repeatedly lists this nonsense. Even the veterinary offices and our (unsuspecting) politicians believe this fairy tale and are completely shaken when a dog out of line dancing and no longer makes with this nonsense. “” Such a dog has an attitude problem “and comes to the animal psychologists”. So what does an animal psychologist? “Who has learned nothing further (if any), as allegations of misconduct” by the usual methods of education (animal psychologists like to work with treats or clicker = treat) to change this behavior. Typically, they do this with short-term successes. What are trainer and animal psychologists their knowledge in German-speaking countries? There is the case of Knaxus: from the The sporting dog field dates back to service dog area and this in turn caused the teachers of today’s dog trainer! Notice anything? The same teachings are represented to the future animal psychologists. So it’s no wonder that everyone, albeit with different methods spread the same theses (in practice, in education, in publications, etc.) It still worse, a study was that the people with the choice of words is vorgegaugelt, animal Psychology (“it is also because the word studies” means literally from the Gauche, translated nothing other than for something seek”or seeking something”). Study but in our vocabulary associated with a university degree and, as it here did not acknowledge himself a profession is not possible (at least, not in the German-speaking countries). In England and there is at least the possibility in higher education (at a University) to integrate the area of animal behavior science in the United States the animal psychology in the compartment can Human psychology are integrated! This is not possible in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Denmark, etc.! The pure and real animal psychology is not even taught! We clarify the concepts for better understanding firstly: Psychology: psychology is the science of the experience, behavior and consciousness of the people of (his mind) behavior: behavior is a central concept of behavioral biology.

  • Solution Antivirus BitDefender

    The Allview tablets are the first products with pre-installed solution of antivirus BitDefender mobile security Allview mobile, the Romanian company, specialised in the production and distribution of the IT & C products and BitDefender, Manager of antivirus solutions on the Romanian market, reports a partnership through which the Allview tablets with solution antivirus BitDefender mobile security are equipped, are. The security product is preinstalled in the operating system of the Allview tablets, which will be introduced in the next period. “The solution of BitDefender mobile security is a device which is attached to our products. The partnership with BitDefender gives us the opportunity, the users of our tablets, a safe navigation experience that also the personal data protect is. “, Olivia Cardas, Marketing Manager Allview, explains BitDefender mobile security includes the module against theft, Web security, testing and Anwendungsscann, warn the user, whether dangerous program, phising pages” contain or fraud, and it locates the Tablet memory of distance in Diebstallfall, locks, and deletes. Even more, BitDefender cloud-technology, the battery consumption is carried out scanning if necessary without stress. The Allview tablet users will benefit free of charge solution 3 months the premium version of the antivirus. After the 90 days, users can can with one year of online business Allview buy a license for extension of the period.

    Allview mobile: Allview mobile is a Romanian company founded in 2002, that has as main activity the production and distribution of dual SIM – mobile phones, tablets, notebooks and various electronic products. The company brought the first tablet in Romania in 2010 and since then the range of DroSeries has added with eight models, which are more than 15,000 thousand units were sold. The Allview phones offer the separation of the business meetings of the personal conversations or in different Networks call the lower cost. For more information on the company’s website and on the Facebook page Allview Mobile Germany, with the new products, promotions and contests of the society in connection to set.

  • Stanford University

    In addition, there are various creative techniques that help generate ideas and empower people to think across. Capacity for innovation is above all an inner attitude of thinking. By Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most creative and visionary people who ever lived, we know that he has never lost his child-like curiosity. He was seemingly goal – and unmotivated, free from constraints, free from predetermined patterns of thought and without pressure. And it has him just this mental freedom allows to create cross-links, combine things and events and to generate just innovative, new ideas. In a world where working and living spaces blend more and more and increases the pressure, it’s hard to be more creative.

    How can it succeed anyway? Everyone should create thinking spaces so times or places that inspire and help to unleash the own thoughts. This little downtime from everyday not only help maintain professional and personal balance and clarify also the head. In this downtime we have then often exactly the thought flashes, which we spend hours cramped have mused on the desk and in the Office. To the innovate belongs but also the willingness to learn from mistakes. Thomas Edison once said: I am a lucky man. About 5000 ways, I know how to make a light bulb. That alone shows that you must allow not only errors and learn from them. Being innovative is hard intellectual work.

    You need one great resilience to cope with failures. Which competences of employees, your opinion will be most in demand in the future and why? I think future competence, i.e. the ability to changing times, to be able to adapt changing technologies, transformations of society and increasingly uncertain economic conditions, for the ultimate soft skill of our time. It will arrive in our fast-paced world, increasingly confident that applicants and employees find their core talents and define and are able to apply them in new situations, business models and environments. Also this is a form of personal power of innovation. The video on the topic can be found here: about Melanie Vogel: Melanie Vogel, innovation coach and member of the innovation network of Stanford University, is Managing Director of AoN agency without name GmbH. Anders thinkers “aims to help companies make the transition to a life-friendly work environment. Only this change leads to the Unleash the maximum potential of innovation based on the diversity within the workforce, a target-based management and a corporate culture that promotes the potential and talents of each employee and to the creativity and value added of the entire company strengthens. As initiator of women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress for women, the land of ideas AoN 2012 with the Innovation Prize “awarded.

  • Day Trading

    In day trading, there are a lot of hidden costs that you should know about. As a day trader in online trading you have compared to the classic”securities trading, day trading, and speculation while many advantages regarding fees, yet such payable. If you also carefully should approach this type of action, it must be so aware, that the costs and fees, depending on the sum and does not outweigh the gain expected,. In the following we enter an overview on the effects that reduce the profit. What on various platforms and brokers, daytrading not much spoken, fees and costs in the form of deposit trading fee modification and cancellation fee are cost-per-order taxes Commission of course must here distinguish, whether to Trade Forex, futures, stocks, options or other values. Broker fees: The cost of the software necessary to act, the broker should be compared. Here there are now countless vendors and you find enough comparisons as a collective overview in the Internet. Here, but didn’t choose for the best deal, but together weigh the cost, the functionality of the software and of course the services offered as course overview and analysis.

    Slippage: Especially in the day trading delays will occur as a result of quick action, are of a technical nature, or simply because the order made at this time can run only at the earliest possible date. Obviously arise here fluctuations, which can be positive but also negative for the trader. Currency fluctuations: Even if one not explicitly speculates in Forex, one is affected by the current conversion rates and exchange fees. What used to be a pure banking business, or was done by investment firms, can you now easily do using broker software from home. Here, although lower costs, as in the classic broker at the Bank of trust, arise for the trader, the Fortunately but fees and taxes are still payable.

    Depending on the order volume here tiered fees apply and you should inform himself about this. If, for example, the flat fee from an amount of about 5.000,-suddenly doubled, better to use the entire volume of orders or remains below the respective amount. Can suddenly multiple fees or if the splitting”and therefore soon to destroy the potential profit. As far as some ideas that will bring back many enthusiastic living room traders again on the ground. It is impossible here to enter into the detail on the extensive mechanisms of the markets and their relative values, at least one should bear in mind, the cost in the day trading are typically is low, but still apply. If you want to learn day trading, you should always know about the costs and involving them in his trade.

  • Free Animated Logos Maker Now

    Today, internet has dominated business world. Every single person is trying his hands on online business in which some of them are scaling the height of success while some does not. Today, internet has dominated business world. Every single person is trying his hands on online business in which some of them are scaling the height of success while some does not.The most probable reason for this is the lack of professional attitude of their website concept towards the visitors. There are many factors involved, out of which we will discussing be the importance of use of animation in prevalent online business world. With the passage of time, animation technologies have made their place in the hearts of online business entrepreneurs. It style of opening a business of potential customers to the world is the latest and upbeat.Unfortunately, when small business owners opt for animated logos maker available on the internet, they tend to seriously damage their business reputation.

    Let me inform you why these free animated logos bring hazardous implications with them, have noticed that these same if you and old logo creators are available for you then they are so available for the rest of the world. Think, if your corporate identity matches your competitor one then what will be the results? Is not it a way of accurate image of your online business in seconds? Think, think and think .this is why we believe that you should never opt for animated logo maker that are distributed over the internet like anything. Undoubtedly, the price and package of professional graphic design services are sky high which might not be affordable for you but because of this sole reason you should not inadvertently throw your business identity on the back seat of importance. There are other reasons as well apart from the budget and packaging, some business owners who just started their business do not want to invest a heap amount of money in such a small thing. So to make it clear, this small thing can change your business identity. animation technology is the up-to-the-minute logo idea that is being embraced by most of the online business entrepreneurs.

    You can have a search as well on the online business sites that have elevated their old corporate identity to animation style. Now, you must be thinking corporate identities have fashion as wave? yes, just like clothes fashion swing from one season to another; trends in brand identities so get changed. If you want to keep up with the world of business then you must take animation technology seriously, do not waste time because trends in business corporate identity changes frequently. If this is the season of animation then tomorrow you might find market something else rolling in the. As it is said; one thing is constant is that change, so make your Elf, your business and your business mark identity up to the mark.