Month: March 2015

  • European Spaniards

    On the other hand, the president of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, has put in the front sight the European agent chief executives, loading against them the weight of the recovery and pressing to them so that they take " the decisions adecuadas" , since it recognizes that " we are moving in a dangerous period ". The Bags sink After ' Monday negro' in the European Bags, the situation is repeated. The growth of 0.2% of the GIP of the zone Euro in the second trimester (1.6% inter-annual one) confirms the deceleration in that period and has collaborated to increase the doubts of the investors. The Ibex-35 lowered to east Tuesday 1.61% and concluded the session in the annual minimum of 7,936, 40 points, a level unknown since the end of March of 2009, when it finished in 7.815 points. Throughout the day, the national market has been oscillating, while the president of the World Bank (VM), Robert Zoellick, discarded that the economies of the United States and Europe are directed towards one second recession, in which political European Spaniards agreed and (Muddy Durao), who returned to deny the chief of a main directorate of the IMF. The majority of the European Bags has continued with setback undergone Monday and closed in negative, with the exception of London (that closed in a 1.06% positive).

    Milan, with general strike in Italy, yielded 1.98%; the index Euro Stoxx 50, 1.29%; Paris, 1.13%, and Frankfurt, 1%. The opening to the loss of Wall s$street did not do more than to make worse the situation in the European parks throughout the session of this Tuesday. Reduction of the risk premium the purchase of Spanish debt on the part of the BCE has brought about a small reduction of the risk premium (the difference that a country must pay to get into debt itself to 10 years with respect to Germany), that under 341 to 334 basic points.

  • Japanese Bobtail

    Characteristics of some breeds of cats there are more than 50 breeds of cats and they all have different characteristics that make them unique in the eyes of their owners. Some are the product of natural evolution, while others are the result of great genetic selection efforts that seek to improve or highlight some distinctive features. We could say that there are cats for all tastes. Perhaps the strangest is the Sphynx or Canadian hairless cat, whose development was the product of a natural mutation and was observed for the first time in Canada in the 1960s. Although it seems that he has no hair, actually Yes it has, but it’s a very subtle mantle that this cat makes the ideal companion for people who are allergic. Whoever the owner will find a creature extremely friendly, affectionate and very sociable, perfect for reduced environments, since you do not need too much space to romp. At a point opposite on the scale we have the Persians, breed that originates from the cat of Angora in England by the 19th century.

    It is a Jack very showy, rounded and solid forms. Its most outstanding feature is its flat nose, which gives a very funny appearance. Its body is covered with very dense coat, which can have different colors, more than two hundred officially recognized, and it has a very hairy tail. If we talk about gentle characters, this is the cat to choose. Owner of a serene beauty, is extremely sociable and gets along very well with people. Another cat very suitable for coexistence with humans is the Burmilla, also owner of a beautiful fur. To difference of the Persian Cat, the coat of the Burmilla is short and compact, but is of a rounded head and broad chest cat.

    The breed was developed recently and documented by the year 1994. It can live indoors, but you need space to play. We can find it in color Chinchilla, which is white background with dark tips, combined with some beautiful green eyes. This race seems a strange mixture between cat and rabbit, as its tail is short and seems a Pompom. The Japanese Bobtail, a breed that is according to tradition says, it brings luck. It is among the breeds of cats smaller, because in its adult State does not reach major proportions. The admitted colors are many, but where they have Van pattern the main feature is that they have a patch over one eye, which at times may seem a patch. Some specimens may have different colored eyes.

  • Brazil Foods

    The novel of the fusing (or sales) of Healthy and the Partridge must be changedded into a novel of long duration, but of emotive chapters. After the great launching of the new Brazilian giant, all the eyes if come back toward the Board of directors of Economic Defense (Cade) of the Ministry of the Justia.Qual will be the position of the Cade? The operation will be dealt with as the Brahma/Antarctica or Nestl/the Boy? Arguments tcnicosAlguns signals already had been given. What one expects is that of beforehand the Cade it disrespects the strategy of the Healthy one and of the Partridge to present the creation of the BR-Foods as a national exporting champion. trafit Lady Stepper. The antitrust agency goes to focar itself with bigger severity in the possibility of competition in the domestic market and will give to importance for the exportations of the new company if they only to prove the capacity to generate profits of efficiency in the production carried through in the Brasil.O fact of the company to allege that it competes with foreign companies in a global market, as the Tyson Foods, the Bunge and the Cargill, it will have to be led in account only with regard to the effect of this production for the consumers in Brazil. The same valley for the capacity of exportation and the opening of verge for the new company: the impact of this capacity will be refined before the domestic market, in profits of innovation in the forms of production and the generation of jobs, for example. When following this line, the Cade intends to technical verify the internal conditions of competition in the diverse food markets reached for the operation, as industrialized meats and chickens, and not them nationalistic arguments of creation of a new company with the acronym ‘ ‘ BR’ ‘ in its prefix. However, in case that the Palace of Plateaus endorses the idea of great Brazilian company in the sector, they will be bigger the pressures for the approval of the business.