Month: June 2014

  • Echo-London

    At the moment, the humanity lives moments on tension and distresses, with respect to which it provides to him the future. Many scientific efforts only concentrate in wanting to palliate or to eliminate the negative effects that our irresponsibility has caused to the planet which we lived. If it wishes to know a little more, is a great amount of information in Internet that can serve to him helpful; so nothing would badly come to him to take some intensive English course to accede to her; although also it could take courses from English in England and complementing the information that gathers in Internet with the museums that exist in London. The answer to the nature Without leaving of side what has been said previously nor contradicting what to some groups data of or ecological association say, the large cities are responding to the call of emergencia of the nature. The damage caused by the industrial cities we nevertheless know that he has been in many cases irreparable, the governors or mayors of each large city of the developed world stimulate with greater vehemence political environmental.

    Some of these efforts go from maintaining observed the productive processes of the companies that make products on the basis of extracted raw material of the nature, to increase and to protect the green areas. A quiet work, but that bears its fruits. Perhaps a hope bud very to few knows it people, but only in London there are 1700 parks in his approximately 1580 kilometers square. If someday one cheers up to take courses from English in England or an intensive English course, one does not forget to happen through London. Here it will be able to visit fabulous parks like: Hampstead Heath , Hyde Park , Inn The Park, among others. Or he will see that it is not necessary to walk much to run into with some park or garden. Efforts as these would have to be imitated anywhere in the world so that we do not speak only of the Amazonia like the lung of the planet, but we clear the artificial respirator to him to our dear Earth and live like a really alive organism.