Month: September 2013

  • Chondrites

    The trip of the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa could not have been more rough, dotted with errors and uncertainties, but eventually returned and achieved its goal of bringing samples obtained on the asteroid Itokawa to Earth. That it had managed to bring some extraterrestrial genuinamente it was revealed shortly after the descent of the capsule in Australia in June of last year, but the results of the exhaustive analysis of the samples are now known. The main conclusion of the scientists is that particles of rock of the Itokawa of type S are identical to the majority of meteorites called Chondrites that fall on the ground, or other words that Chondrites are chunks of rocky asteroids type S. Chondrites are the most primitive solar system objects, so these asteroids should be authentic records of the history of the early days of the Sun and the planets. Source of the news:: the first samples brought from an asteroid are as meteorites

  • Northern United States

    The company ensures that the pipe was revised a few months ago. Tens of kilometers of the River are affected. At least thousand barrels of oil were poured last weekend to the Yellowstone River, in the U.S. State of Montana, after breaking a pipe underground owned company ExxonMobil, reported oil said in a statement. The rupture occurred the Friday night between the towns of Laurel and Billings and pushed crude oil to nearly 130 miles away, forcing local authorities to order evacuations in the margins of the River. Exxon, which discovered the disaster Saturday morning, later said that the pipeline had been plugged, although it has not yet determined the cause of the accident. We recognize the seriousness of the incident and we are working hard to solve it, said the Chairman of the company, Gary Pruessing, according to the statement in Billings.

    Pruessing said that Exxon has launched this Sunday a detailed plan indicating publicly How are cleaning up oil that have already located and how are still looking for remnants of crude oil. Severe floods suffered by several States in Central and Northern United States is one of the possible factors that points the Department of disasters and emergencies of Montana, that warns of overflows are hampering cleanup tasks. Authorities fear current to move the oil to the Missouri River, from which the Yellowstone is a tributary, and the consequent black tide reaches Dakota North. Exxon and State response teams appealed Saturday to various mechanisms to try to absorb the oil in the River, and hoped today receive reinforcements specialized in responding to spills. We’re bringing together experts from across the country in order to clean crude oil, said Pruessing. Another blow to the reputation of Exxon, the largest oil company publicly traded in the world, was marked in 1989 when the Exxon Valdez tanker ran aground on the coast of Alaska and poured more than 40 millions of gallons of crude oil into the sea, in what is considered one of the greatest environmental catastrophe in history. After the accident, which marked a before and an after in the American oil industry, Exxon point to improve their safety standards. However, the company continues starring like other oil giants, dozens of spills every year in the country’s rivers, which often go unnoticed by their impact relatively minor spills that occur at sea. Source of the news: broken pipe of ExxonMobil poured 1,000 barrels of crude oil to the Yellowstone River

  • Minimum Data Set

    In national scope, a study it told the way used for the elaboration of an archetype of system informatizado for support to the decision, using the NANDA, the NIC and the NOC (13). The use of the NIC in the practical assistencial also demonstrated to be boarding of significant interest for the inquiry on the NIC between the analyzed works. A time is considered that the relative studies to this boarding are, in fact, of great interest for the research concerning this taxonomy, that the same one offers relative standardized language to the interventions of nursing, that is, to the actions that the nurses carry through in its daily one and possess, then, significant proximity with the practical assistencial. In this perspective, it enters the studies carried through in international scope, was elaborated a study that objectified to identify to the effect of the reminiscncia therapy proposal for the NIC between aged with depression, interned in a clinic, and to compare its effectiveness with the traditional form of the therapy of reminiscncia used in this place (14). In study carried through in Korea, to interventions and results in submitted patients had been identified disgnostic, the abdominal surgery. These they had been compared with the NIC and also with the Classification of the Results of Enfermagem (NOC). The authors recommend the accomplishment of more studies of validation of the taxonomias in the different countries (15). Other carried through studies are mentioned: ) to the development of a form to register the practical one of nursing in public health, based in the standardized languages of nursing, between them, the NIC (16); b) to the description of the practical one of nursing in parquias* using NMDS (Nursing Minimum Data Set) and the NIC to codify the elements of cares of nursing (17); c) to the identification of the interventions and activities of nursing used by nurses of public health in the cares in domicile to the gestante of high risk, in the prenatal period (18); d) to the description of the use of the NIC in a cardiovascular unit of intensive cares and the paper of the service of education in this direction, having been identified, among others aspects, that the professionals who already work with the nursing disgnostic they had been more apt to the use of the NIC (19); e) to the description and validation of nursing disgnostic and interventions in the practical one, being that the interventions had been submitted to the project of Iowa for revision and consideration for the second edition of the NIC (20).

  • National Parks

    Closely together they are the National Parks and their splendid scenes. And all this with a smooth climate that goes up to around 20C. National park of Cairngorn, Aviemore, Scotland. The Highlands (High Earth) Scottish has their own greatness and mysticism, and in good day, there is no more beautiful place in all Great Britain. The hikers more dared they can try with ” Munro Bagging” , a challenge that consists of crowning all tops 910 superiors to mts (munros). Their Lagos and forests, more down, give the option you of calmer strolls.

    It tastes the local kitchen or if you have thought to do picnic aprovisinate in Rothiemurchus Farm. The Colorado, Chile the Colorado is a center of ski near Santiago, to 40 km by good routes. Located on the Colorado Hill, in the Mountain range of the $andes, it is a good option to ski during the summer. Next to resorts of the Stack and Snow-covered Valley, it forms the major and better area of ski of all South America. Certainly it will be one more a more interesting experience to tell your return that if you had gone to the Alps, no? Blue Mountains, the New Wales of the South, Australia To only 90 minutes in car from Sydney we found this region, anchored in the Great Dividing Mountain range. The Blue Mountains reaches a height of 1100 meters and thus is called by the great amount of eucalyptuses that there are in the zone, that when giving off their oil to the air produces a bluish mist. The zone it is a virgin national park with a great amount of footpaths and viewpoints.

    Katoomba is the main tourist center and the area of visualization of the Three Brothers – famous rock pinnacles on the cliff. Drakensburg mountains, South Africa Patrimony of the Humanity, this mountainous region of 243,000 hectares has been during long time a great attraction for the visitors. The zone counts on abundant protected wild fauna. Safaris is very popular, although you can make senderismo by marked routes, to explore to your own rate, or to see rock art in the caves of Bushman. Another option is to visit the battlefields where British, Zuls and Boer (old Colonising Dutch) they faced, to know something on modern history of South Africa. It finds flights to Johannesburg. National park Kinabalu, Malaysia the central piece of the national park is Monte Kinabalu, the highest tip in the Southeast of Asia. In spite of its height of 4,101 meters, without specialized equipment or much experience, you will be able to arrive at the top if you have a pair of strong legs. Its great variety of fauna and natural flora, inhabiting tropical low earth, rainy forests, and tropical mountain forests, will turn these three days of scaling into a memorable ascent.

  • Brazil More

    The professional with the specialized formation appeared then. Today them organizations to be competitive will have that to produce more, to generate new prescriptions and to define expenses. The trend then is to reduce the personnels and to demand more produtividades of that to remain employed. But facing moments of greaters or minors conflicts in relations between used and employers, the challenge of the administration of the human resources and to keep the man power of the integrated, motivated and produced company. We will be able to cite with more details when they had been the periods of the management of the RH in Brazil: 1930 WORKING PRE-JURIDICO: economic depression, absence of legislation, simple tasks and instrumental elementary school; 1930/1950, BUREAUCRATIC: creation of labor law, routines of staff, notes, franquesia, payments wages; 1950/1960, TECNISISTA: industrial, textile, siderurgical, chemical development, first steps for the donation of routines of RH (R& H.

    training); 1960/1980, SISTEMISTA: first positions of you manage in RH, emphasis in the program of training supported by the government, PAT, SESMT, first you practise of management participativas-CCO? s, shy programs of performance evaluation; 1980/1990, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ENTEGRADAS: syndical pressures, formation of leadership, models of management DOWSIZING REENGENHARIA; 1990 DEEP STRUCTURAL REFORMS: valuation of the human talentos, high speed, productivity, continuous learning, management of the information, knowledge, enterprise excellency, fusing of the organizations. CHIAVENATO (2003) appraises the RH as an area to interdisciplinar that it has the capacity of involves innumerable deriving concepts of some areas. For dealing directly with the human being, that is, individuals with different personalities or that it requires of any specialist in the area of human resources good experiences and a good volume of knowledge in different areas. IT HISSES (2002, p, 224), affirms that, the main managemental interest is to motivate the employees to reach the organizacionais objectives in an efficient and efficient way.